--- Comment #7 from Christopher Schultz <> ---
As much as I like this kind of capability (particularly the addition of
"landingPage" and something like the proposal to add
"forceLandingPageAfterAuth"), I don't think is belongs in Tomcat because it's

I implemented a bunch of things in securityfilter to get around holes I saw in
the spec and while tempted to bring them into Tomcat, discarded the notion
because of that very fact (out-of-spec). I really hate product lock-in and it
would be a shame for Tomcat to go down that path.

Specifically, I implemented the following features in this area:

1. A landing page if there was no protected-page-access that caused the login
form to be displayed (same as the "langingPage" feature)
2. The ability for the login page to accept a "next" page that would basically
take the place of a "landing page", or override it
3. The ability for the client to specify whether or not the post-authentication
action would be to REDIRECT or FORWARD to the landing page
4. The ability to pass request parameters to the login page which would then be
forwarded to the landing page

Some of this doesn't make sense unless you have very specific requirements
(which we did). In our use-case, we had two web applications that share a URL
space and one of them does not use sessions at all... it just passes-through
the session-id of the other application when we make loopback-requests to the
"other" application. If there's no session in the authenticated-application, we
have to sent the user to a login page, but then have them sent back to the
resource they were trying to access (which is in the non-authenticated
application). So, we can't just send the user to the "protected resource"
because that resource isn't directly-protected... instead, it's

It sounds outrageously stupid, but I promise it makes sense, and these features
helped us pull it off. :)

These days, with HttpServletRequest.authenticate() and
HttpServletRequest.login() being available, it seems like all of the capability
could be provided by a Filter on an unprotected resource rather than trying to
shoehorn it into the existing authentication valve.

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