--- Comment #8 from Shunsuke Tanaka <> ---
Christopher, Konstantin
Thank you for your comment.

(In reply to Christopher Schultz from comment #6)
> please tell me exactly which package you downloaded.

I downloaded tomcat-native-1.1.30-src.tar.gz.
I builded and upgraded tcnative from 1.1.27 to 1.1.30 in 2014/04/26.

> I'm surprised that the checks already in there aren't protecting you... 
> something deeper must be going on.

If this problem would be caused by tomcat code(if the tcnative receives the
wrong value from Tomcat),
can this symptom occur?
What do you think the following double check?

if(!s->net || s->net != &apr_socket_layer){
  tcn_ThrowAPRException(e, APR_EINVALSOCK);
  return -(jint)APR_EINVALSOCK;

If the tcnative receives the wrong value from Tomcat, I think this check works
And if condition is false and this symptom occur, it seems to me that either of
"s->opaque, s->jsbbuff" value is broken.
I'm sorry, if I have to say irrelevant things.

> If you built tcnative yourself, re-building it with debug symbols should not 
> be a problem... 

I have to care performance problem to change debug level of tcnative.

> if Tomcat crashes with some regularity, replacing the native library 
> shouldn't represent too much of a burden...

The symptom occured twice a year in production environment.

(In reply to Konstantin Kolinko from comment #7)
> From Tomcat side there have been the following fixes in the "Coyote" 
> (connector) category:
> 7.0.46:
> 7.0.54:

If this problem would be caused by tomcat thread-safe or recycle problem, as
you say,
I have a feeling that this symptom never occur by upgrading Tomcat.

> Are you sure that you aren't trying to write to a response that have already 
> been completed and recycled?

How can I check that you say?

> how does it happen that you are directly calling 
> org.apache.catalina.connector.Response method flushBuffer()?

I have no idea.
The stack trace has been writen into the core dump file when the symptom
When I set breakpoint and step-run, I confirmed that
org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteWriter is called.

> org.apache.catalina.connector.RECYCLE_FACADES=true

Thank you for your information.
Also in this case, I have to care performance problem to change this parameter.

I will consider that upgrade Tomcat and/or change RECYCLE_FACADES value to

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