In, Mark Thomas wrote:

> The fix for bug 57472 might shave a few seconds of the deployment time but
> it doesn't appear to make a significant difference.
> The fundamental problem when running from a packed WAR is that to access any
> resource in a JAR, Tomcat has to do the following:
> - open the WAR
> - get the entry for the JAR
> - get the InputStream for the JAR entry
> - Create a JarInputStream
> - Read the JarInputStream until it finds the entry it wants
> This is always going to be slow.
> The reason that it is fast in Tomcat 7 and earlier took some digging. In
> unpackWARs is false in Tomcat 7, it unpacks the JARs anyway into the work
> directory and uses them from there. Performance is therefore comparable with
> unpackWARs="true".

Has anyone looked into using a NIO2 FileSystem for this? It may offer a way to 
avoid having to stream the entry in order to be able to locate a resource. 
ZipFile is fast, I believe, because it has random access to the archive and can 
seek directly to an entry's location based on the zip index; the jar: 
FileSystem seems to be able to do the same.

However, neither can cope with nested entries: ZipFile because its constructor 
takes a File rather than a Path and uses native code, and ZipFS because it 
relies on URIs and can't cope with a jar: URI based on another jar: URI (ye 
olde problem with jar: URL syntax).

What a FileSystem can do differently is return a FileChannel which supports 
seek operations over the archive's content. IOW, if ZipFS can work given a 
random access channel to bytes on disk, the same approach could be adopted with 
a random access channel to bytes on a virtual FileSystem.

I imagine that would get pretty hairy for write operations but fortunately we 
would not need to deal with that.

If no-one’s looked at it yet I'll take a shot.

FWIW, this could also be exposed to web applications e.g.
  FileSystem webappFS = servletContext.getFileSystem();
  Path resource = webappFS.getPath(request.getPathInfo());
  Files.copy(resource, response.getOutputStream());

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