--- Comment #6 from andrew jardine <> ---
Hey Mark,

Sorry for the delay -- other priorities came up. I'm trying this again right
now, though I think I tried that as well already. Could be though that I did
not have the session replication configured correctly when I tried it. If
memory serves, this is what we found (though I am double checking this morning)

1. We set the jvmRoute attribute on the <Engine /> envelope. Node 01 had a
value of jvmRoute="01", Node 02, a value of jvmRoute="02" etc.

2. We configured Apache to use a sticky session based on the jSessionID.

3. This worked and my first request when to Node 01 so I ended up with a
session id similar to :: ABCD1234567890-01

4. All my subsequent traffic was routed to the 01 server.

5. Shutdown 01.

6. Apache started directing my requests to 02 -- but my jSessionID was now
post-fixing the 02 jvmRoute value so I had -- ABCD1234567890-02 

7. Node 02 did not find a session with that ID, so it was creating a new

-- again, I could have not had the replication working properly perhaps so I'll
do some more testing today and update this ticket with anything I find.

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