--- Comment #6 from Christopher Schultz <> ---
Proposed configuration vocabulary, which is backward-compatible with existing

   <Connector ...
      truststoreFile="..." (and other truststore attributes)
      keystoreFile="..." (and other keystore attributes)
     <TLSAlias hostname="alternate.hostname"
         truststoreFile="..." (and other truststore attributes)
         keystoreFile="..." (and other keystore attributes)
         [other allowed configuration attributes]
     <TLSAlias hostname="alternate.hostname"
         truststoreFile="..." (and other truststore attributes)
         keystoreFile="..." (and other keystore attributes)
         [other allowed configuration attributes]

The TLS configuration attributes on the <Connector> will become the default TLS
configuration for a request for a hostname that does not match any of the
<TLSAlias> elements' hostname fields. Any request that exactly matches a
hostname (or, perhaps we can do prefixing, globbing and/or regular expressions
if people want to do that kind of thing) will instead use the TLS configuration
of its matching <TLSAlias> element.

There are some configuration elements that are appropriate to allow a
<TLSAlias> element to override from the default. Proposed are all but those
that appear in the following section.

There are some attributes that should probably not be overridable in the
<TLSAlias> elements, due their effect on all connections. Proposed attributes:


Care must be taken to ensure that subsequent handshakes -- for example, for the
purposes of client re-negotiation or cipher-suite-switching -- do not allow a
single client to switch from one hostname to another to, for instance, avoid
some part of the authentication scheme or take advantage of a faulty
configuration in host alias in order to "upgrade" to a different host with more
stringent requirements.

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