--- Comment #21 from Mark Thomas <> ---
The proposed patch treats the annotation scan and the fragment scan as
independent scans. Unfortunately this is not the case. The patch also ignores
the scanning for @HandlesType matches.

Take a look at the comment at the start of ContextConfig.webConfig().

Some things to keep in mind:
- The annotation scan and the @HandleTypes scan are done at the same time.
- The annotation scan can be disabled via metadata-complete
- metadata-complete has no impact on @HandleTypes scan
- exclusion via absolute ordering excludes a JAR from all three scans

I think there are two options.

1. Log a message suggesting the JAR is skipped if it has no hits for all three

2. As 1 but also log a message for JARs that have unnecessary annotation scans
that they could use metadata-complete. (Your current patch pretty much does
this already.)

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