Am 14.05.2015 um 15:14 schrieb Mark Thomas:
For some time now we have always said we will maintain three current
Tomcat versions in parallel. As we start to think about milestone
releases of Tomcat 9 soon (stable is unlikely to be until later next
year due to the Java EE 8 timescales) I think now would be a good time
to think about when to EOL 6.0.x.

The other factor to keep in mind is that we have (since at least 5.5.x)
given 12 months notice of any EOL dates.

With the above in mind, what do folks think to the following EOL
options? In all cases we announce the date as soon as we are happy with it.

Option 1: Tomcat 6.0.x EOL as of 30 June 2016
Option 2: Tomcat 6.0.x EOL as of 31 December 2016

The rational for option 1 is that with a 9.0.x milestone release
happening soon we need to EOL 6.0.x ASAP otherwise we'll end up
potentially supporting 4 concurrent versions.

For option 2, the thinking is that with the earliest date for a stable
9.0.x in the second half of next year, the end of next year we won't
really be supporting 9.0.x until then (it is very unlikely that
9.0.x/trunk and trunk will separate before then) so the end of next year
is a reasonable time frame to work with.

I'm currently leaning towards option 2.

Both are OK for me.

Thanks for taking the initiative.


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