On 06/19/2015 10:01 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
I'm looking at integrating multiple certificate support with APR/native
and the new OpenSSLContext.

I have a query about the following method that I hope those that have
been working in this area recently will be able to answer.

SSLContext.setCertificate(long ctx, String cert, String key,
                           String password, int idx)

The idx can either be 0 (RSA) or 1 (DSS).

It is tested between 0 and <4.

I know the tc-native enforces that idx is 0 or 1. Does it require that
idx is 0 for RSA keys and 1 for DSS keys?

According the include:
#define SSL_AIDX_RSA     (0)
#define SSL_AIDX_DSA     (1)
#define SSL_AIDX_ECC     (3)
#define SSL_AIDX_MAX     (4)

How does one specify an ECC key?

Using 3 I guess but I don't see a different handling for the different type of key/cert... Basically it looks like the latest call tells which key/cert will be used.



Thanks in advance,


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