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The "FAQ/Logging" page has been changed by markt:

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   * Prior to Tomcat 5.5, Tomcat provided a Logger element that you could 
configure and extend according to your needs.
   * Starting with Tomcat 5.5, Logger was removed and 
[[|Apache Commons-Logging]] {{{Log}}} is used 
everywhere in Tomcat. Read the Commons-Logging documentation if you'd like to 
know how to better use and configure Tomcat's internal logging. See also
   * In Tomcat 7 (and also 6), the logging code is based on a set of classes 
interacting with the 
 API]] (JUL), which comes with Java since version 1.4. The Tomcat startup 
script configures the JVM to use a web-application-aware implementation of the 
 LogManager]]. This Tomcat logging infrastructure is called JULI, and one can 
still distinguish its Apache Commons Logging heritage, but the complex 
configuration has been edited out and the package name changed.
- {{}}
  Web applications can get logging service by using the Servlet API logging 
(which not recommended), the JUL interface (which ultimately goes to JULI) or 
any other preferred interface for which they furnish the jar files and the 
appropriate configuration (see the respective descriptions for 
[[|Log4J]], [[|SLF4J]], 
[[|logback]] or 
[[|Apache Commons Logging]] for example). 

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