jspInit() sounds better than PostConstruct. UserTransaction can use @Inject
by spec if Im not mistaken so issues are for entity manager and resources.
Here no portable solution but easy to generate at build tume producers for
them. A simpe Mojo/Ant task/gradle plugin would enable it in few lines of
code and in a portable manner.
Le 30 mars 2016 00:02, "Dimitri" <mi...@cargosoft.ru> a écrit :

> > (that's
> > why hot reloading is a good bad idea and can break after a restart
> > even if "F5" tests were green ;)).
> Oh yeah, I've got obscure errors after hot reloading hundreds of times.
> Most of them were JNDI-related, by the way ;)
> > Hmm, maybe not. JSP support injections and are generated at runtime
> > so
> > it needs some glue code but reusing the same principle would work and
> > this API even if internal is more stable (see InstanceManager of
> > tomcat).
> That's it - JSPs came to my mind even before the idea of generating
> annotated classes. Needless to say I did some testing...
> =============================== 8< ===================================
> <%@page import="javax.enterprise.inject.spi.BeanManager"%>
> <%@page import="javax.inject.Inject"%>
> <%@page import="java.util.logging.Logger"%>
> <%@page import="javax.transaction.UserTransaction"%>
> <%@page import="javax.annotation.Resource"%>
> <%@page import="javax.annotation.PostConstruct"%>
> <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
> <%!
>     @Resource
>     private UserTransaction tx;
>     @Inject
>     private BeanManager bm;
>     private final static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("foo.jsp");
>     @PostConstruct
>     public void post() {
>         LOG.info("foo.jsp::post()");
>         LOG.info("tx = " + tx);
>         LOG.info("bm = " + bm);
>     }
> %>
> <%
>     request.setAttribute("tx", tx);
>     request.setAttribute("bm", bm);
> %>
> <!DOCTYPE html>
> <html>
>     <head>
>         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
>         <title>JSP Page</title>
>     </head>
>     <body>
>         tx = ${requestScope.tx}<br>
>         bm = ${requestScope.bm}<br>
>     </body>
> </html>
> =============================== 8< ===================================
> The results were, errr, a bit disappointing.
> TomEE 7.0.0-M3
> ==============
> tx = null
> bm = org.apache.webbeans.container.InjectableBeanManager@b4ecb2
> @PostConstruct: invoked
> WildFly 10.0.0
> ==============
> tx = null
> bm = null
> @PostConstruct: not invoked
> GlassFish/Payara 4.1.1
> ======================
> bm = (had to remove BeanManager since JSP didn't compile)
> tx = null
> @PostConstruct: not invoked
> Is it another blind-spot in the spec? or is it a bug? or am I doing it
> totally wrong?
> Dimitri

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