Hi Jonathan,

What is important is to use LocalMBeanServer to allow to disable that. Then
using a dynamicmbean - through our wrapper if you prefer the api - is nice
because you can put description easily versus a standard mbean where it is
less natural. For the name building, using the objectnamebuilder is nice
and ensure to put j2eetype in the attribute to let tools sort it properly.

Le lun. 24 sept. 2018 04:17, exabrial12 <exabr...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> TomEE Devs: I want to work on a patch that can monitor the thread pool
> sizes
> ManagedExecutorService and ManagedScheduledExecutorService that a user
> might
> create in their tomee.xml. There's a couple of different methods in the
> code, I was curious if someone could point me to the "best" or "current"
> way
> with an example? Any other advice? Thanks,
> -Jonathan
> --
> Sent from:
> http://tomee-openejb.979440.n4.nabble.com/TomEE-Dev-f982480.html

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