if you clone the repo i mentionned you can generate it locally and run it
over a http server for dev purposes locally (and guess what, it is a tomee
;)). You can then check it is the first one the valid one (
And yes we never used develop branch, only master.

Romain Manni-Bucau
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Le sam. 24 nov. 2018 à 17:17, César Hernández Mendoza <cesargu...@gmail.com>
a écrit :

> Hi Frankie,
> ... current docu pages
> > How can I tell which docu page is current, e.g. from:
> > *  http://tomee.apache.org/community/sources.html
> > <http://tomee.apache.org/community/sources.html>
> > *  http://tomee.apache.org/dev/source-code.html
> > <http://tomee.apache.org/dev/source-code.html>
> For me [1] is the valid one. [2] has already a message about "We have moved
> to GIT" but I agree with you that an improved message like "This page is no
> longer valid" and a link to the new Valid URL should be provided.
> I'm not aware of what the roadmap is for both websites we currently have,
> but having two sites is misleading. I think another Epic could be the
> migration of all the pages from the old website to the new website, but
> again, I don't have the context. I can take a look on Monday if nobody
> replies about the background.
> [1] http://tomee.apache.org/community/sources.html
> [2] http://tomee.apache.org/dev/source-code.html
> El sáb., 24 nov. 2018 a las 9:39, Frankie (<kamin.feuer.2...@gmx.de>)
> escribió:
> > I will be happy to generate a PR for the site if somebody could provide
> > information to answer the questions in my post ... ;-)Again the
> > questions:[1] Which one of the two
> > (http://tomee.apache.org/community/sources.html or Which one of the
> > following) is the right place? And what should happen with the other one?
> > At
> > least a hint should be added that its outdated and a link to the new
> > place?[2] Can somebody confirm, that the development for 8.0.0 is done in
> > the master branch? And explain what the branch "tomee-8.0.0-ML1-rel" is
> > for?
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Sent from:
> > http://tomee-openejb.979440.n4.nabble.com/TomEE-Dev-f982480.html
> --
> Atentamente:
> César Hernández Mendoza.

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