
This is the branch that contains my changes

Full build fails only on one test in CDI embedded TCK
testRequestScopeActiveDuringWebServiceInvocation(org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.context.request.jaxrs.RequestContextTest) Time elapsed: 0.032 s  <<< FAILURE!

The problem is with the test. Test is fixed in 2.0.6-SNAPSHOT and 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT

I want to see if the build will fail again with EnvEntryTest in


I can't reproduce the failure here but I managed to crash tests when I run tests multiple times in the IDE. The problem was with registration of Thread Context listeners. After first run of all tests on the second start server is started again in the same JVM so all previously registered listeners were still there and JMSInjectionTest was failing again.

The changes I implemented will make sure there is only one thread context listener for every type of listener and all listeners that are not registered in static class initialization code are properly removed during server shutdown.

From log in the build bot regarding EnvEntryTest failure I suspect an exception that is thrown during application deployment that is consumed and never reaches to test initialization code. I think in this case app is never initialized properly and when test code tries to call the business logic it fails.

What makes me think the problem is somewhere in the initialization is this line in the log:

INFO: cleaning /home/buildslave/slave/tomee-trunk-ubuntu-jvm8/build/arquillian/arquillian-tomee-tests/arquillian-tomee-jms-tests/target/arquillian-test-working-dir/0/test.ear

Test deploys

jms-env-entry.jar and log says it cleans test.ear

I don't know where thistest.ear  comes from.

In case you have ideas that could help me track the problem I'll be more then happy to continue the investigation in case my changes did not help.

This failure happens only when testing

Have a nice day

On 10.1.2019 г. 17:12, jgallimore [via TomEE & OpenEJB] wrote:
We don't have a capability on ASF infrastructure to do that. Let us know
what your branch is here, and I'm happy to get a build run on it for you.


On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 2:58 PM Doychin Bondzhev <[hidden email] </user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4687407&i=0>>

> Hi guys,
> I have set of changes that I want to test on the buildbot before they
> are merged into master branch.
> Is there any way to do this? The reason I want to run on the build bot
> is that here all tests pass without problem but the test we ignored
> yesterday fails on the build bot.
> I want to confirm that the changes I did do make change for that test on
> the build bot.
> --
> Doychin Bondzhev
> dSoft-Bulgaria Ltd.
> PowerPro - billing & provisioning solution for Service providers
> http://www.dsoft-bg.com/
> Mobile: +359888243116

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Doychin Bondzhev
dSoft-Bulgaria Ltd.
PowerPro - billing & provisioning solution for Service providers
Mobile: +359888243116

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