Hi Bogdan, welcome to TomEE!

This is the reference page to learn more about the tooling, process, and
how to contribute:

We have currently a couple of Epics targeted for new contributors,
please check for instance:

Generation of MP examples: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TOMEE-2285
Improving documentation: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TOMEE-2369
Translation into other languages the examples. This is the one for Spanish
but feel free to create a Main Task for another language:

If you have some other Idea or you come up with a question just shout in
the list!

El jue., 17 ene. 2019 a las 13:34, Bogdan Stirbat (<bogdan.stir...@gmail.com>)

> Hi!
> I am Bogdan Știrbăț, a software engineer located in Bucharest, Romania. I'm
> interested in JEE, Spring, enterprise computing, microservices.
> I find working on this project is an opportunity to both learn more about
> the topics I'm interested in, and to contribute something back to the
> community. Therefore, I would kike to ask how can I help.
> Thanks,
> Bogdan

César Hernández Mendoza.

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