This would be a +1 from me.

Adding some additional context that this doesn't just affect use of the 
compatible logo, but ability to be listed with all the other certified servers 
on the website.


On 2019/01/18 22:53:08, Mark Thomas <> wrote: 
> Hi all,> 
> I am writing to your dev@ lists (on BCC) as your project has, in the> 
> past, requested access to the Java EE TCKs while they were controlled by> 
> Sun and then Oracle.> 
> As I am sure you are aware, Java EE has moved to Eclipse and is now> 
> Jakarta EE. The good news is that the TCKs have been open sourced.> 
> (I haven't tried to build the latest TCK from source yet but it is on my> 
> TODO list.)> 
> Shipping compatible implementations of the Jakarta EE specs (and being> 
> able to make public statements to that effect) will be subject only to> 
> the spec [1] and TCK [2] licenses. There will no longer be a TCK> 
> agreement or NDA to sign. However...> 
> The question has arisen whether or not any ASF projects will want to use> 
> the Jakarta EE compatible logo [3]. If a project wants to be able to do> 
> this, there are some organisational hoops to jump through. Before the> 
> ASF starts down that path the board has asked me to see if there are any> 
> projects that want to use the Jakarta EE compatible logo. After all,> 
> there is no point jumping through the hoops if no-one wants to use the logo.> 
> With the above in mind can you please discuss this amongst your project> 
> community and reply back to whether or not your> 
> project is interested in being able to use the Jakarta EE compatible> 
> logo. I ask that you complete this no later than the next board meeting> 
> (20th February 2019).> 
> If you have any questions about any of the above, please also use> 
> to ask them.> 
> Thanks,> 
> Mark> 
> [1]> 
> [2]> 
> [3]> 

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