Hi Ivan

Did you debug ZipkinHttp?

Depending your server/app config you can need some config like providers
etc. This class is a good start to check what is happening.

A good config start is
- you can need to inline the yaml depending you docker compose
version/setup, multiline is not always well supported.

Le ven. 12 avr. 2019 à 22:10, Ivan Junckes Filho <ivanjunc...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Hey guys I am having a hard time to setup TomEE with OpenTracing 1.0.2 +
> Zipkin.
> When I send the payload to the zipkin API
> http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans, I keep getting back:
> 400 - "Expected a JSON_V2 encoded list, but received: JSON_V1"
> My payload is:
> [
>   {
>     "annotations": [
>       {
>         "timestamp": 1555097175276000,
>         "value": "sr"
>       },
>       {
>         "timestamp": 1555097175402000,
>         "value": "ss"
>       }
>     ],
>     "binaryAnnotations": [
>       {
>         "key": "http.status_code",
>         "type": 3,
>         "value": 200
>       },
>       {
>         "key": "component",
>         "type": 6,
>         "value": "jaxrs"
>       },
>       {
>         "key": "span.kind",
>         "type": 6,
>         "value": "server"
>       },
>       {
>         "key": "http.url",
>         "type": 6,
>         "value": "http://localhost:8081/number-api/numbers/generate";
>       },
>       {
>         "key": "http.method",
>         "type": 6,
>         "value": "GET"
>       }
>     ],
>     "duration": 126000,
>     "id": 2,
>     "kind": "SERVER",
>     "localEndpoint": {
>       "ipv4": "",
>       "port": 8081,
>       "serviceName": "number-api"
>     },
>     "name":
> "GET:com.microprofile.samples.services.number.resource.NumberResource.generate",
>     "parentId": 1,
>     "tags": {
>       "http.status_code": "200",
>       "component": "jaxrs",
>       "http.url": "http://localhost:8081/number-api/numbers/generate";,
>       "http.method": "GET"
>     },
>     "timestamp": 1555097175276000,
>     "traceId": 24
>   }
> ]
> Any ideas how to fix this?  Anyone was able to configure zipkin as a
> collector using TomEE?

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