I need some help in identifying an issue with tomcat8/tomee7.02 with chunked
encoding. This issue is happening only with a specific file and the same
works with other application servers that i tested. There seems to be an
issue specific to tomcat with this file's headers. I tried to do a save of
same file using widows paint and it works without an issue. I'm using
servlet to transfer the content to client using chunked encoding.
I'm attaching the sample war which can be deployed in tomcat/tomee to
reproduce the issue. I wrote a sample client program using http client to
reproduce the issue. Below is the usage of the same.
Deploy the war in tomcat/tomee.
run the following commands from zip extracted location.
The sample files are present in the context root of the web application.

java -jar client.jar
I'm getting HTTP transfer failed: java.io.IOException: Protocol violation:
Unexpected single newline character in chunk size error

I tried to save copy of the original file by opening in windows paint and i
don't see the issue
java -jar client.jar

No issue with this file..
Note : both original and edited files are present in context root and the
output of the client program is a jpg file whose name will be current time
in millis.jpg

Please help me to understand the root cause of this issue and what possibly
in headers of jpg encoding is causing this issue.
Note : Code compiled with jdk 8 and also transfer is successful for other
files whose size is very less or huge also ChunkedEncodingIssue.zip

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