> I’m not sure supplying identical copies of the documentation  that claim
> to be for different versions is entirely desirable.  Presumably we need two
> copies for javax/jakarta, but I’m not sure the one in tomee-site (from CMS)
> or the identical 7.0, 7.1, and 8.0 versions are truly essential.
> Next I may look into the examples. IIUC the java source for them is going
> to remain as javax for the foreseeable future.  I think that means that the
> README’s should also remain javax-only. Among other things this should
> enable easy inclusion of source-code snippets and avoid confusion when the
> doc says jakarta and the source says javax.
> I suggested earlier that there’s no need for more than one version of the
> examples.  I haven’t changed my mind on this and although someone didn’t
> seem to like the idea, I didn’t see any arguments why having more than one
> version was a good idea.  Since IMO the largest problem with the docs site
> is that there’s too much outdated useless and wrong content, and it’s
> nearly totally disorganized, I think reducing the size will make everything
> else easier.

I agree with David Jencks.
For sake of organization, I would like to suggest that we keep the
documentations isolated by branches, where each branch is a documentation
version (7.0.x, 7.1.x, 8.x and 9.x). Therefore, old docs will be
kept, while newly created ones evolve, beyond being compatible with
Antora's source repositories through branches.


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