The reason Antora has a separate front page is that Dan didn’t write 
asciidoctor-openblock <>. Since 
I did, it’s easy to have a front page generated by Antora. He’s known about 
this possibility for at least  5 years, but never found the time or motivation 
to do it.

If you have specific complaints about the front page I wrote, please air them 
rather than ignoring my request for feedback.

Could you be extremely specific about what you want generated by Antora and 
what by tomee-site-generator and what by some other unnamed tool?  Are there 
parts of the current antora preview site that you think should not be generated 
by Antora? (I expect to add examples to the preview shortly, but we can discuss 
that separately).

David Jencks

> On Aug 10, 2020, at 1:09 PM, David Blevins <> wrote:
>> On Jul 14, 2020, at 7:34 PM, David Blevins <> wrote:
>> I think there are two gaps we need to understand to have a better 
>> conversation about using Antora
>> - Eliminating the Apache CMS from our lives.  This is the biggest blocker to 
>> any true progress.  The only reason our site doesn't automatically update 
>> now is because we're using the Apache CMS which has a manual publish step 
>> that takes about an hour of machine time and periodic manual checking/poking 
>> during that time.
>> - Understanding `tomee-site-generator` isn't an enemy to Antora and doesn't 
>> need to die or be eliminated.  Among other things, we use it to generate 
>> asciidoc content when and where we can.  It will most likely need to run 
>> just before Antora.  Antora would be building some mix of manually created 
>> docs and some generated docs.  If Antora is not capable of committing 
>> generated files to git, then `tomee-site-generator` is where we would do 
>> that work.
>> I recommend we first eliminate the Apache CMS so we have a hands-free setup. 
>>  Then I recommend we make it so the `tomee-site-generator` maven project is 
>> the thing that kicks off and runs Antora.
> I've been doing some research and have some revised thoughts on how we could 
> potentially proceed with this.
> Being terse as possible so we can try to get this out of discussion/debate 
> mode and into action mode.
> Many Antora users, including itself, seem to use this pattern and 
> I think it's probably the one we want.
> -       -> Built with a general purpose tool 
> (Middleman+Asciidoc)
> -  -> Built with Antora
> -           -> Built with a general purpose tool 
> -  -> Built with Antora
> -         -> Built with a general purpose tool 
> -   -> Built with GitBook
> -        -> Built with a general purpose tool
> -       -> Built with Antora
> If we did this pattern we could probably get it done by end of week:
> -        -> Built with tomee-site-generator as is 
> now
> -   -> Built with Antora
> We would request a new repo not connected to the CMS for 
> and have David push directly to it right now.  David 
> can lead that effort and just inform us on how it goes.
> We would then make the "Documentation" navigation item of 
> point to  We'd still move it off the CMS, but I'm 
> happy to do the lifting on that.
> I greatly prefer this approach to either 1) endlessly debating tools or 2) 
> holding up David's work any longer.
> There would still be room for debate, but that debate could happen using the 
> staging capabilities of the git-based solution.  I think we'd be in an 
> overall better position to introduce more changes with everyone on equal 
> footing.
> Thoughts?
> -David

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