> On Sep 30, 2020, at 3:06 AM, Jonathan Gallimore 
> <jonathan.gallim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If its a drop-in replacement, we can probably handle that in the Maven
> build.

Agree.  While we're at it we should also use the Tomcat 10 milestones.

Definitely the transformer is no the place to handle this.  *Potentially* we 
could handle this in the TomEE Patch Plugin, but overall maybe we need a 
handful of new assemblies in the tomcat/apache-tomee/ build.

> I'm curious about the change though; I was under the impression that
> Jakarta EE 9, was a namespace-only change?

All of the schema namespaces have been changed.  Something we'll need to 
account for ourselves.  On the OpenEJB/TomEE side our openejb-jee package 
already has the capability to rename the namespaces.  Currently it explicitly 
sets them to the latest Java EE xml namespace, but it could potentially change 
it to the latest Jakarta namespaces.


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