Sure, no reason to publicly release 8.0.7 binaries if they are too
much in regression vs. 8.0.6.

Regarding skipping TomEE versions like Tomcat site does, here's my two
cents: whatever works well for Tomcat for so many years should be


Le lun. 3 mai 2021 à 22:31, David Blevins <> a écrit :
> Launching off a discuss thread so we can track issues and discuss without 
> filling up the vote thread.
> Sounds like there are regressions on the 8.0.7.  What I'd recommend is we 
> just don't put 8.0.7 on the mirror system or website.  We leave the mirrors 
> and website with 8.0.6 until there are better 8.0.x binaries available and 
> just put up the 9.x binaries.
> Tomcat does this fairly often if there's a bad build of one of the branches.  
> If you look here there are 36 releases of 9.x, but the highest version number 
> is 9.0.45, so a decent percentage were never published:
>  -
> I think that's probably one of the reasons they can crank out so many 
> releases so consistently despite maintaining 3 branches.
> Thoughts?
> -David

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