after investigation it seems that proxying the websocket through httpd is timing out the connection.  as it is not happening on my local machine

On 17/07/2021 12:59, Matthew Broadhead wrote:
Trying to broadcast to all sessions on a WebSocket but it is a bit hit and miss.  the WebSocket is got by

DefaultServerEndpointConfigurator dsec = new DefaultServerEndpointConfigurator();
NewsWebSocket nws = dsec.getEndpointInstance(NewsWebSocket.class);

and in the WebSocket I am trying to broadcast on looks like this

@ServerEndpoint(value = "/websockets/admin/news")
public class NewsWebSocket {
    private static final Set<Session> sessions = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<Session>());

    // ... @OnOpen, @OnMessage, @OnClose, @OnError

    public void broadcast(String string) {
        synchronized (sessions) {
            for (Session session : sessions) {
                 try {
                } catch (IOException ex) {

I also tried adding an "@Observes @MyEvent MyEvent blah" and firing an "Event<MyEvent>" but the breakpoint is never reached

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