This is very close. The dangers of A are not quite captured. Completely agree with the dangers of B.
> On Apr 1, 2022, at 1:13 AM, Zowalla, Richard > <> wrote: > > So we basically have to options (if I understand the discussion > correctly): > > (A) Put some effort / resources into upgrade our MP impls to the latest > versions to fully support Jakarta namespace. From my understanding > maintaining these impls is a bit PITA as MP tends to break its API > every few months, right? It will take some time, effort and resources > to catch up. The danger here is that we - due to lack of time / resources - will continue to not be seen as a viable MicroProfile implementation. MicroProfile is approximately 70 months old. We were able to keep up for only 1.5 months out of that 70. It was with TomEE 7.1, released with MicroProfile 2.0 support in September of 2018, outdated by MicroProfile 2.1 in October 2018. We were 27 months late to getting our first and only MicroProfile version implemented, which is now 41 months out of date. > > (B) Use existing MP impls to make "fast" progress on the TomEE 9.x > side, which breaks the "we use apache impls"-credo but enables a faster > move forward. I see the danger here that we - due to lack of time / > resources - will not find the way back to our own Apache > implementations and will stick with smallrye for a long (?) time > perhaps. Correct. And as mentioned, not finding our way back to our own Apache implementations has already been the status quo. > People are eager to use EE9 / Jakarta namespace and TomEE isn't really > ready for it, yet. With the latest M7 version, users cannot start new > projects as testing possibilities are super limited. > > Btw.: I am unsure, if we are still using Hibernate Validation in the > current TomEE 9-M8 Snapshot. But if we do, we already broke the > "everything from apache"-credo for the sake of getting the > certifaction. Our certified distribution (Plume) used EclipseLink instead of OpenJPA, Mojarra instead of MyFaces and Hibernate Bean Validation instead of BVal. -David