
we had a discussion regarding a release of TomEE 7.1.x in April 22 [1].
After the discussion I fixed the CI build and updated some dependencies
mentioned in the discussion.

The (current) changelog looks like:

[TOMEE-2125] - Datasource config: MaxWait,
timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis and MinEvictableIdleTimeMillis are
[TOMEE-2919] - java.util.ConcurrentModificationException error
deploying ear in TomEE Plus 7.1.4
[TOMEE-2968] - Postgres connection error when a password contains "}"
[TOMEE-3718] - Missing mime mappings

[TOMEE-2957] - Fix OWASP Checks on ASF Jenkins Environment
[TOMEE-2973] - TomEE :: Examples :: JSF2/CDI/BV/JPA/DeltaSpike uses too
old version of commons-lang3

Dependency upgrade
[TOMEE-2939] - Update bcprov-jdk15on to 1.67
[TOMEE-2958] - Update to Tomcat 8.5.61
[TOMEE-2959] - Update to jackson 2.12.0
[TOMEE-2979] - Upgrade to MyFaces 2.2.14
[TOMEE-3719] - Upgrade to commons-io to 2.8
[TOMEE-3772] - Update JUnit to 4.13.2
[TOMEE-3941] - Apache ActiveMQ 5.16.5
[TOMEE-3985] - Upgrade BatchEE to 1.0.2
[TOMEE-4016] - Myfaces 2.2.15
[TOMEE-4017] - Tomcat 8.5.81
[TOMEE-4018] - Update bcprov-jdk15on to 1.70

The full build [2] for 7.1.x is green atm. So the question to discuss
would be: Do we want to do a release?

Side note: This could be an opportunity to "officially" announce 7.1.5
as the "last" release (eoling the 7.1.x series) + place a info box on
the download pages for 1.7.x, 7.0.x and 7.1.x.

Maintaining 8.x, 9.x (and other branches) might drain to much resources
and interest in providing patches / dependency updates for 7.1.x or
7.0.x was generally low in the last year(s).

What do you think?


[1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/sz0kfocgd6248l2vxxgv3wjc5snh79q6
[2] https://ci-builds.apache.org/job/Tomee/job/tomee-7.1.x/

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