Hi Chege,

The user list is the better place for questions like this.  Quick tip though, 
try creating a small sample using the recently released Johnzon 1.2.19.  I've 
also found the error messages to be not helpful and spent a month auditing and 
reworking them all.  Hopefully we can get that into a TomEE release soon.

Let me know if the issue is more obvious with the new messages -- that would 
make my day :)  Of course, if it's still not obvious, let me know and I'll see 
what can be improved.

David Blevins

> On Aug 23, 2022, at 6:59 AM, chege <ch...@programmer.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a simple use case where I want convert json to pojo.
> All values are quoted including booleans, longs and ints.
> Jsonb specification says parse$Type e.g parseInt
> or
> parseBoolean shall be used. These methods can take string arguments.
> https://jakarta.ee/specifications/jsonb/3.0/jakarta-jsonb-spec-3.0.html#java-lang-byte-short-integer-long-float-double
> I have a unit test that produces the error.
> javax.json.bind.JsonbException: Missing a Converter for type int to convert 
> the JSON String '20' . Please register a custom converter for it.
>       at ke.mbote.jsonb.ClientTest.test(ClientTest.java:23)
> Caused by: org.apache.johnzon.mapper.MapperException: Missing a Converter for 
> type int to convert the JSON String '20' . Please register a custom converter 
> for it.
>       at ke.mbote.jsonb.ClientTest.test(ClientTest.java:23)
> The test can be found athttps://github.com/chegekinuthia/jsonbissue.git
> @Named
> public class Client {
>    @Inject
>    private Jsonb jsonb;
>    public Book getBook() {
>        String book = "{\"id\":\"20\",\"published\":\"true\"}";
>        return jsonb.fromJson(book, Book.class);
>    }
> }
> @Classes(cdi = true, value = {Client.class, Book.class, Config.class})
> @RunWith(org.apache.openejb.junit.ApplicationComposer.class)
> public class ClientTest extends TestCase {
>    @Inject
>    private Client client;
>    @Test
>    public void test() throws Exception {
>        Book book = client.getBook();
>        assertEquals(20, book.getId());
>        assertTrue(book.isPublished());
>    }
> }
> What am I missing?

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