Side note, I used a command-line tool I wrote called 'jamira' to file most of 
these and have them appear as the person who originally filed the issue and did 
the work.

A couple examples:

    jamira create issue --fix-version=9.0.0-M9 --reporter=ruelland 
--assignee=ruelland --type="Dependency upgrade" TOMEE "Jackson 2.13.4"

    jamira create issue --fix-version=9.0.0-M9 --reporter=rzo1 --assignee=rzo1 
--type="Dependency upgrade" TOMEE "Apache Tomcat 10.0.23"

I'll probably make myself a little convenience wrapper script for that so I can 
just type something like " Apache Tomcat 10.0.23"

Throwing the idea out in case anyone wants to do something similar.  I'm not a 
fan of clicking :)

Happy weekend!


> On Sep 9, 2022, at 4:02 PM, David Blevins <> wrote:
> Hey All,
> I did some cleanup of the dependency upgrade JIRAs for 9.0.0-M8.  Here's what 
> they look like:
>       • [TOMEE-3800] - Apache DBCP 2.9.0
>       • [TOMEE-3999] - Apache MyFaces 3.0.2
>       • [TOMEE-4006] - slf4j 1.7.36
>       • [TOMEE-4009] - WSS4J 2.4.1
>       • [TOMEE-4010] - xmlsec 3.0.0
>       • [TOMEE-4018] - bcprov-jdk15on 1.70
>       • [TOMEE-4026] - Apache Johnzon 1.2.19
>       • [TOMEE-4030] - Apache Log4J2 2.18.0
>       • [TOMEE-4036] - EclipseLink 3.0.3
>       • [TOMEE-4037] - Eclipse Mojarra 3.0.2
>       • [TOMEE-4038] - Jackson 2.13.4
>       • [TOMEE-4039] - Hibernate 6.1
>       • [TOMEE-4040] - Apache Tomcat 10.0.23
> The release notes:
> - 
> Here's the logic I applied:
> - Normalize titles to "Foo 1.2.3" format and stripped out any "Upgrade" or 
> "Update" prefixes
> - Remove the fixedVersion from obsoleted duplicates.  If we have "Foo 1.2.3" 
> and "Foo 1.2.4" marked as 9.0.0-M8, technically 1.2.3 is no longer in the 
> release and could confuse people.
> - Split apart JIRAs that mention several upgrades so there's one JIRA per 
> library
> - Changed the issue type of JIRAs that describe issues like "CVE-123-4567" or 
> "Problem with x on older versions of y" to be Bug, Task, etc and filed an 
> explicit and separate "Dependency upgrade"
> - Put the full brand name in, e.g. "Apache Tomcat" instead of just "Tomcat"  
> (maybe this is noisy, I probably won't be so picky with this next time. I was 
> just trying it out)
> Some open questions:
> - We should probably make sure to list our API version changes.  Either in 
> Dependency Upgrades or as New Features/Improvements (or both)
> - IMO users don't care about upgrades for our build and are only concerned 
> with things they use.  What do we think about limiting use of "Dependency 
> Upgrade" issue type to things that are in TomEE and therefore affect users?
> Thoughts?
> -David

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