Yes because from a license point of view hosting the source code wouldn't ne 
great ;-)

Am 5. September 2023 22:58:17 MESZ schrieb "Benedict Eisenkrämer" 
>Hi Richard,
>I have created a PR, for now with the copied files.
>I am currently trying to run the tests with the staging repositories 
>dependency, which seems to work.
>I think that would be acceptable at the moment, as we are still in development?
>Gruß Benedict
>On 05.09.23 21:44, Richard Zowalla wrote:
>> Hey Benedict,
>> seems they are still working on it. It is available for 3.1.3-1 in
>> their staging repo:
>> Gruß
>> Richard
>> Am Montag, dem 04.09.2023 um 18:02 +0200 schrieb Benedict Eisenkrämer:
>>> Sounds good to me, I will try to create one tomorrow.
>>> About the maven artifact, I actually had the same plan there, yet
>>> could
>>> not find one:
>>>    * It is not listed on the specification-site:
>>>    * It is not listed in mvn central:
>>>    * Some google searches yielded no results as well
>>> Maybe you or someone else has an idea where to look or could
>>> enlighten me.
>>> On 04.09.23 17:27, Richard Zowalla wrote:
>>>> Hi Benedict,
>>>> perhaps worth to create a PR with the setup targeting the main
>>>> branch, so it is part
>>>> of   ?
>>>> There might be a Maven artifact available, so we don't need to
>>>> copy/paste the sources.
>>>> Gru&szlig;
>>>> Richard
>>>> Am 18. August 2023 19:20:24 MESZ schrieb "Benedict
>>>> Eisenkr&auml;mer"<>:
>>>>> Small correction, I meant Richards-Branch, he shared in an other
>>>>> thread:
>>>>> On 18.08.23 19:15, Benedict Eisenkr&auml;mer wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I now have a kind of working setup for the tck, related to this
>>>>>> ticket:
>>>>>> The setup tests against this modified main-branch of the tomee-
>>>>>> repository:
>>>>>> I only changed a few things with the embedded-tomee there.
>>>>>> My current tck-setup can be found
>>>>>> here:
>>>>>> My last result was:
>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>> [INFO] Results:
>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>> [ERROR] Failures:
>>>>>> [ERROR]&nbsp;&nbsp; JAXRSClientIT.<init>:59->usersetup:97 user
>>>>>> not set ==> expected: <true> but was: <false>
>>>>>> [ERROR]&nbsp;&nbsp; JAXRSClientIT.<init>:59->usersetup:97 user
>>>>>> not set ==> expected: <true> but was: <false>
>>>>>> [ERROR] JAXRSBasicClientIT.<init>:59->JAXRSClient.setup:53 user
>>>>>> was not set ==> expected: <true> but was: <false>
>>>>>> [ERROR] JAXRSBasicClientIT.<init>:59->JAXRSClient.setup:53 user
>>>>>> was not set ==> expected: <true> but was: <false>
>>>>>> [ERROR] JAXRSBasicClientIT.<init>:59->JAXRSClient.setup:53 user
>>>>>> was not set ==> expected: <true> but was: <false>
>>>>>> [ERROR] JAXRSBasicClientIT.<init>:59->JAXRSClient.setup:53 user
>>>>>> was not set ==> expected: <true> but was: <false>
>>>>>> [ERROR] JAXRSBasicClientIT.<init>:59->JAXRSClient.setup:53 user
>>>>>> was not set ==> expected: <true> but was: <false>
>>>>>> [ERROR] JAXRSClientIT.sseBroadcastTest:193-
>>>>>>> JAXRSCommonClient.assertEquals:721
>>>>>> [Ljava.lang.Object;@43a8dd9b ==> expected: <true> but was:
>>>>>> <false>
>>>>>> [ERROR] JAXRSClientIT.dynamicFeatureIsRegisteredTest:111-
>>>>>>> JAXRSCommonClient.assertEquals:721
>>>>>> [Ljava.lang.Object;@7b8f8de5 ==> expected: <true> but was:
>>>>>> <false>
>>>>>> [ERROR] JAXRSClientIT.featureIsRegisteredTest:93-
>>>>>>> JAXRSCommonClient.assertEquals:721
>>>>>> [Ljava.lang.Object;@6c4cfe0e ==> expected: <true> but was:
>>>>>> <false>
>>>>>> [ERROR] Errors:
>>>>>> [ERROR]
>>>>>> JAXRSClientIT.clientSideReaderIsNotUsedOnServerTest:124-
>>>>>>> JaxrsCommonClient.invoke:219 &raquo; Fault
>>>>>> [ERROR] JAXRSClientIT.clientSideReaderIsUsedOnClientTest:195-
>>>>>>> JaxrsCommonClient.invoke:219 &raquo; Fault
>>>>>> [ERROR]
>>>>>> JAXRSClientIT.clientSideWriterIsNotUsedOnServerTest:159-
>>>>>>> JaxrsCommonClient.invoke:219 &raquo; Fault
>>>>>> [ERROR] JAXRSClientIT.clientSideWriterIsUsedOnClientTest:234-
>>>>>>> JaxrsCommonClient.invoke:219 &raquo; Fault
>>>>>> [ERROR]
>>>>>> JAXRSClientIT.serverSideReaderIsNotUsedOnClientTest:177-
>>>>>>> JaxrsCommonClient.invoke:219 &raquo; Fault
>>>>>> [ERROR] JAXRSClientIT.serverSideReaderIsUsedOnServerTest:107-
>>>>>>> JaxrsCommonClient.invoke:219 &raquo; Fault
>>>>>> [ERROR]
>>>>>> JAXRSClientIT.serverSideWriterIsNotUsedOnClientTest:213-
>>>>>>> JaxrsCommonClient.invoke:219 &raquo; Fault
>>>>>> [ERROR] JAXRSClientIT.serverSideWriterIsUsedOnServerTest:141-
>>>>>>> JaxrsCommonClient.invoke:219 &raquo; Fault
>>>>>> [ERROR]
>>>>>> SeBootstrapIT.shouldBootInstanceDespiteUnknownConfigurationPara
>>>>>> meters:236 &raquo; AbstractMethod
>>>>>> [ERROR]
>>>>>> SeBootstrapIT.shouldBootInstanceUsingConvenienceMethods:148
>>>>>> &raquo; AbstractMethod R...
>>>>>> [ERROR]&nbsp;&nbsp;
>>>>>> SeBootstrapIT.shouldBootInstanceUsingDefaults:71 &raquo;
>>>>>> AbstractMethod Receiver cla...
>>>>>> [ERROR]
>>>>>> SeBootstrapIT.shouldBootInstanceUsingExternalConfiguration:186
>>>>>> &raquo; AbstractMethod
>>>>>> [ERROR]
>>>>>> SeBootstrapIT.shouldBootInstanceUsingImplementationsDefaultIpPo
>>>>>> rt:317 &raquo; AbstractMethod
>>>>>> [ERROR]&nbsp;&nbsp;
>>>>>> SeBootstrapIT.shouldBootInstanceUsingProperties:107 &raquo;
>>>>>> AbstractMethod Receiver ...
>>>>>> [ERROR]
>>>>>> SeBootstrapIT.shouldBootInstanceUsingSelfDetectedFreeIpPort:280
>>>>>> &raquo; AbstractMethod
>>>>>> [ERROR]&nbsp;&nbsp; JAXRSSigTestIT.signatureTest:412 Fault
>>>>>> JAXRSSigTestIT.signatureTest() failed!,...
>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>> [ERROR] Tests run: 2796, Failures: 10, Errors: 16, Skipped: 128
>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>> The full result may be found
>>>>>> here:
>>>>>> /-/tree/main/runs/sollder1/_18082023_1903?ref_type=heads
>>>>>> As can be expected the tests for the new SE-Bootstrap fail, as
>>>>>> this is a new feature in JakartaEE10.
>>>>>> Also all the Authorization / Security Tests fail, I do not
>>>>>> really get what to do there ,as the documentation is rather
>>>>>> vague here.
>>>>>> The other issues may very well be related to the fact, that the
>>>>>> cxf-version used is not actually compatible.
>>>>>> Some feedback/inside would be very much appreciated.
>>>>>> I will try to run against the Roberts branch next, which
>>>>>> already includes the newest cxf version and seems to have only
>>>>>> four failures with the old tck.
>>>>>> I think this should result in a few more tests succeeding,
>>>>>> although cxf4 is not yet fully JakartaEE10 compatible.
>>>>>> Gru&szlig; Benedict

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