Hi all,

there is now also a discussion in CDI [1] about it and a follow up issue here: 

Given this current discussions, we are most likely save to raise this challenge 
as the behaviour tested isn't really defined in CDI 4 (CDI admitted it and they 
are discussing it for 5 now) + the arguments raised by Mark and Romain.

If no one yells a loud stop, I am going to proceed with the formal steps next 


[1] https://github.com/jakartaee/cdi/issues/779
[2] https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/batch-tck/issues/70

Am 23. Februar 2024 11:07:21 MEZ schrieb Mark Struberg 
>I did dig into the details of the current latest spec and it's really clear 
>that CDI.current() to look up a BatchProperty is NOT supported by the spec!
>"The @BatchProperty annotation identifies an injection as a batch property. A 
>batch property has a name (name) and, in case of a field injection, also has a 
>default value. @BatchProperty is used to assign batch artifact property values 
>from Job XML to the batch artifact itself.
>Note that @BatchProperty is used with the standard @Inject annotation 
>(jakarta.inject.Inject) ..."
>This clearly states it: no BatchProperty without @Inject!
>Further down it is even clearer:
>"A batch runtime must support injection of the CDI Bean representing the batch 
>property via method parameter and constructor parameter injection, in addition 
>to supporting field injection."
>The valid options are:
>* param injection
>* ct injection
>* field injection
>but no CDI.current().select()...
>Feel free to reference this when creating a TCK challenge.
>txs and LieGrue,
>> Am 23.02.2024 um 09:01 schrieb Mark Struberg <strub...@yahoo.de.INVALID>:
>> Please create a TCK Challenge and disable the test for now.
>> txs and LieGrue,
>> strub
>>> Am 22.02.2024 um 20:09 schrieb Richard Zowalla <r...@apache.org>:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I want to get consensus on filling a TCK challenge against the Batch
>>> TCK. As written in the other thread, I am currently working on getting
>>> a Jakarta Batch 2.1 ready version of Batch EE for usage in TomEE 10
>>> [1]. The most significant change is, that CDI support is now required.
>>> == Details
>>> This implementation passes the Batch TCK with one exception [2]
>>> com.ibm.jbatch.tck.tests.jslxml.CDITests#testCDILookup(...) 
>>> This test uses dynamic CDI injections to resolve batch properties in a
>>> non CDI batchlet [3]. As Geronimo BatchEE is a fork of the reference
>>> impl with some neat adjustments, we are more or less using a producer
>>> bean more or less similar to the reference impl: [4, 5]. The major
>>> difference between both impls is, that we are using OWB while the
>>> reference impl uses Weld.
>>> So for the TCK test in question with this line 
>>>  cdi.select(String.class, new BatchPropertyLiteral("prop1")).get();
>>> in [6], the following will happen:
>>> - OWB will invoke the producer in [4] with a NULL InjectionPoint 
>>> - Weld will invoke the producer in [5] with a "fake" InjectionPoint
>>> with InjectionPoint#getMember == NULL.
>>> The JavaDoc of InjectionPoint [7] or more specifically of
>>> InjectionPoint#getMember() does not tell us, if the return value can be
>>> NULL.
>>> However, we find a code example in the interface docs:
>>> @Produces
>>> Logger createLogger(InjectionPoint injectionPoint) {
>>>    return
>>> Logger.getLogger(injectionPoint.getMember().getDeclaringClass().getName
>>> ());
>>> }
>>> If InjectionPoint#getMember() can be NULL, this code example would
>>> throw a NullPointerException. So from my point of view, Weld violates
>>> the current JavaDoc of InjectionPoint by injecting a "fake"
>>> InjectionPoint without a member. 
>>> InjectionPoint#getBean can return NULL and it is stated, any other
>>> method can't - intentionally cause an Instance only defines an
>>> InjectionPoint when there is one.
>>> So from my point of view the test relies on weld-specific behaviour as
>>> there is an ambiquity in the CDI 4.0 spec / javadocs regarding
>>> InjectionPoint#getMember() here. KUDOS to Thomas & Romain for helping &
>>> tracking it down to the actual ambiquity in the Javadocs ;-)
>>> In addition, the Jakarta Batch spec is rather explicit in its
>>> definition in [8]. IMHO, it would be good for the spec to just delegate
>>> the CDI spec and just write something like "As a consequence of the
>>> previous section, an application must be able to get a CDI Bean with a
>>> correct view of a batch property by using CDI" instead of adding
>>> related details which require CDI knowledge.
>>> Before thinking about raising a challenge, I already had a quick
>>> discussion with Thomas and Romain about it and Romain suggested to put
>>> up a PR for an updated test, which does an indirection to a bean, which
>>> is here (+ some discussion / details): [9]. 
>>> Long story short:
>>> - Did we miss something obvious? 
>>> - Does this consistute for a valid challenge against the Batch TCK? 
>>> - Any other thoughts on it?
>>> Happy to get some opinions.
>>> Gruß
>>> Richard
>>> [1] https://github.com/apache/geronimo-batchee/pull/21
>>> [2]
>>> https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/batch-tck/blob/master/com.ibm.jbatch.tck/src/main/java/com/ibm/jbatch/tck/tests/jslxml/CDITests.java#L287
>>> [3]
>>> https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/batch-tck/blob/master/com.ibm.jbatch.tck/src/main/java/com/ibm/jbatch/tck/artifacts/cdi/NonCDIBeanBatchlet.java
>>> [4]
>>> https://github.com/rzo1/geronimo-batchee/blob/jakarta/jbatch/src/main/java/org/apache/batchee/container/cdi/BatchProducerBean.java#L67
>>> [5]
>>> https://github.com/WASdev/standards.jsr352.jbatch/blob/master/com.ibm.jbatch.container/src/main/java/com/ibm/jbatch/container/cdi/BatchProducerBean.java#L96
>>> [6]
>>> https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/batch-tck/blob/master/com.ibm.jbatch.tck/src/main/java/com/ibm/jbatch/tck/artifacts/cdi/NonCDIBeanBatchlet.java#L51
>>> [7]
>>> https://jakarta.ee/specifications/cdi/4.0/apidocs/jakarta.cdi/jakarta/enterprise/inject/spi/injectionpoint
>>> [8]
>>> https://jakarta.ee/specifications/batch/2.1/jakarta-batch-spec-2.1#consequences-and-suggested-patterns
>>> [9] https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/batch-tck/pull/69

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