+1 for Java17

seems we have no other choice
maybe we can try to get certified on Java17 but we still need green TCKs
first anyway, which is not reachable without Java17 right now.

Am Fr., 5. Apr. 2024 um 16:00 Uhr schrieb Richard Zowalla <r...@apache.org>:

> Hello everyone,
> We should discuss the following to get up to speed on our EE-10
> efforts.
> For EE-10 we need
> - JMS 3.1 [1]
> - JAX-RS 3.1 [2]
> AMQ-6 (which will become JMS 3) has changed it's baseline to Java 17
> [3]. CXF 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT (which will target JAX-RS 3.1) has switched
> it's baseline to Java 17 [4].
> From my understanding of the EE10 specification, we would have to pass
> the TCK with Java 11 and Java 17 to be "certified".
> With CXF 4.1 going to Java 17 as a baseline, we won't be able to run
> the TCK on a Java 11 setup, making it impossible to get "certified" (as
> far as I understand the requirements from the TCK/EE platform spec).
> We can still work on the TCK setup and get as many green tests as we
> want to gain more confidence in our work/implementation and gain
> experience in setup etc.
> Therefore, I would like to discuss the following
> - Do we have any other option than to change our baseline to 17 for
> TomEE 10 as well?
> From my point of view, we should make this change (baseline to 17),
> bite the bad apple of no longer being able to get certified with it,
> and get a final TomEE 10 soon so we can look at the upcoming EE-11.
> Wdyt?
> Gruß
> Ricahrd
> [1] https://jakarta.ee/specifications/messaging/3.1/
> [2] https://jakarta.ee/specifications/restful-ws/3.1/
> [3] https://lists.apache.org/thread/gjmhcj4frqp9x00cg5kylvy4s1lys7z6
> [4]
> https://github.com/apache/cxf/commit/e8cd5e904419cfd21437db6bfb0e7b309c575715

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