Here is a small update to ause's new numbers with the new harness (from

(build --all is in instsetoo_native just after a fresh build)

running on a local disk:

              complete                hot/nothing changed         15m30s                 -
gnumake         132m45s                 1m45s
jam              14m42s                 0m7s
dmake 4.5       109m54s                 1m47s
dmake 4.6         7m52s                 1m45s
build --all                           200m

We are comparing apples and oranges here. The first tests are run on a
test harness which has about the same number of files as OO.o. You
can view these as the baseline that can technically be achieved. The
build --all figure is from an actual build. If our baseline for a no changes
is 7 seconds we can perhaps improve on 3 hours and 20 minutes?

@Kay: I hope this clears up the numbers we talked about yesterday.

On 9/6/06, Kai Backman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

@ause: Could you re-download buildtest.tgz and do the tests again with

Kai Backman, Software Engineer, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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