Hi Eric,

Eric Hoch wrote:

> Hi Mathias, 
> Am Thu, 05 Jun 2008 13:48:47 +0200 schrieb Mathias Bauer:
>> Hi,
>> Maho NAKATA wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> How I can checkout DEV300 branch (OOo3) source code correctly?
>>> According to CVSROOT/modules,
>>> "OpenOffice3" alias does not contain
>>> "apache-commons hyphen swext tomcat" etc etc.
>>> I have been put source code for every milestone at:
>>> http://ooopackages.good-day.net/pub/OpenOffice.org/sources/
>>> and almost every build was checked on MacOSX and FreeBSD.
>>> Could you please help me?
>>> Thanks
>>> -- Nakata Maho http://accc.riken.jp/maho/
>> Do you know
>> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/User:Kr/Concurrent_Checkout
>> I use it all the time. For a CWS on dev300 it needs an additional fix
>> that I could give you, but for checking out a milestone it is fine.
> Thanks for the hint. I really didn't know that such a script 
> exists. 
> But when I try to run it under Mac OS X I get the following error 
> message in Terminal:
> xdsl-87-79-55-98:test maveric$ ./conco.awk -v Master=DEV300 -v 
> Milestone=m17
> /usr/bin/awk: syntax error at source line 32 in function 
> queryMilestone source file ./conco.awk
>  context is
>           print "export 
> SOLARENV=./solenv"                                >>>  |& <<<  Shell
> /usr/bin/awk: illegal statement at source line 33 in function 
> queryMilestone source file ./conco.awk
> /usr/bin/awk: illegal statement at source line 33 in function 
> queryMilestone source file ./conco.awk
> Yes, I am connected to the internet, as you can see I used the same 
> arguments as stated in the wiki and yes I set CVSROOT. I even tried 
> it with ssh tunnel but it still fails. 
> I fear that it is because of the SOLARENV which may not exist in 
> Mac OS X so what exactly is SOLARENV? 
> Eric 

The script requires gawk and bash, perhaps you have used another awk or
shell (like tcsh)? I must confess that I never used it on a Mac, only on
Windows (Cygwin) and Linux.


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead OpenOffice.org Writer
OpenOffice.org Engineering at Sun: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS
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