Hey TC devs,

As we eliminate the need for Traffic Ops Perl, it will no longer
really make sense for the db/admin.pl script to be Perl as it is
today. This is because it depends on the Perl modules that are
installed via Carton for running Traffic Ops Perl. However, it's
mostly just a Perl wrapper around shell commands except for a YAML
Perl module and the `reverse_schema` command which uses the DBIx Perl
module to generate the ORM schema for Traffic Ops Perl (i.e. you've
added a new DB table/column and need to get the ORM files updated to
use it).

Without TO-Perl, there's no need for the `reverse_schema` command in
db/admin.pl and its dependency on the Perl DBIx module. At that point
db/admin.pl is just a Perl script that parses some YAML and shells out

Part of the problem with TO-Perl is that there are a bunch of random
non-API Perl scripts that basically assume all the modules in the
cpanfile are installed in the environment, even though a lot of those
dependencies are probably only required for the Perl TO API or UI. So
unless we go through all those Perl dependencies to eliminate
everything we don't really need once the Perl TO API and UI are
completely removed, we'll continue to have a handful of Perl scripts
like db/admin.pl that still require downloading and installing the
full set of TO Perl dependencies. On fresh installs, running Carton to
install these dependencies can take nearly half an hour.

I'm working on adding tests for the DB upgrade/downgrade process which
I'd like to run automatically on PR submissions, but it really only
needs the db/admin.pl script out of TO which assumes the entire set of
Perl TO dependencies even though it mostly just shells out to `goose
up` and `goose down`. I'd like the test to emulate an actual TO
environment as closely as possible to match what would actually happen
in a production DB upgrade/downgrade. Right now I'm reusing the
Traffic-Ops-Perl Docker image from cdn-in-a-box, but ideally I'd like
to port db/admin.pl into Python to give it its own set of dependencies
(just a YAML package) and not require the full set of TO Perl
dependencies. Then I can spin up a much lighter-weight container with
just the TO Python packages rather than setting up a separate cpanfile
with just the Perl packages needed for db/admin.pl.

+1/-1 for adding Python as a dependency of Traffic Ops for porting
scripts like db/admin.pl?

  • ... Rawlin Peters
    • ... Gray, Jonathan
      • ... Dave Neuman
        • ... Dan Kirkwood
          • ... Eric Friedrich -X (efriedri - TRITON UK BIDCO LIMITED c/o Alter Domus (UK) Limited -OBO at Cisco)
            • ... Gray, Jonathan
              • ... Jeremy Mitchell
            • ... Rawlin Peters
              • ... Dan Kirkwood
              • ... Eric Friedrich -X (efriedri - TRITON UK BIDCO LIMITED c/o Alter Domus (UK) Limited -OBO at Cisco)
                • ... Rawlin Peters

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