As it stands, you can choose a subset of edge and mid caches, which is a big 
change from where we stand today. 

I think it can lay the groundwork for n-tier hierarchies. Right now one of 
these groups can contain both edges and mids. We could extend the group to have 
a parent/child relationship with other groups (any group that has children I 
believe would need to contain only Mids). 


> On May 12, 2019, at 8:40 PM, Dave Neuman <> wrote:
> This is exciting, thanks Eric.
> Any idea how well this fits in with flexible cache groups?
> On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 10:51 Eric Friedrich <>
> wrote:
>> GH Issue Link:
>> Background
>> ----------
>> Edge caches can currently be assigned to delivery services in three ways:
>> - By Server Profile
>> - By Cache Group
>> - By Individual Cache
>> The mids of the assigned edges are chosen based only on the parent and
>> secondary_parent cachegroup settings.
>> Use Cases
>> ----------------
>> Create a more flexible method of assigning mid/edge caches to delivery
>> services. This allows users to solve the following problems:
>> - Dedicating a subset of caches to particular content providers/CDN
>> services
>> - Dedicating a subset of caches to particular content types (i.e. PDL or
>> HTTPS content)
>> - Specifying exactly which mid-caches are used for a particular delivery
>> service.
>> The existing "assign by profile" is not sufficient because servers can
>> only be in a single Profile. This proposal introduces a new Cache
>> Assignment Group, of which a server can be in more than one. Also, there is
>> no existing way to influence the selection of mid-caches on a DS-by-DS
>> basis.
>> The first two uses cases can be accomplished with individual server
>> assignments, but this is cumbersome when you need to match assignments of
>> lots of servers across lots of delivery services. Let's have the DB
>> relations manage these logical groupings for us instead.
>> Requirements
>> ------------
>> 1) Create Cache Assignment Group in Traffic Ops with a name and description
>> 2) Allow many to many association of caches to cache assignment groups
>> 3) Allow many to many association of cache assignment groups to Delivery
>> Services.
>> 4) Consider the union of individual cache assignments (in
>> deliveryservice_server table) and CAG assignments (in new
>> deliveryservice_assignmentgroup table) when creating remap.config and
>> CRConfig.json
>> 5) Mid-Cache Override: If a mid cache is present in a cache assignment
>> group, edge caches in that cache assignment group will disregard the parent
>> and secondary_parent hierarchy. Instead those edges will use only the mids
>> from that cache assignment group. (No secondary parent support yet). If no
>> mid is present, edge caches will continue to use parent and
>> secondary_parent as today.
>> Proposed API changes
>> --------------------
>> /api/1.4/cacheassignmentgroups
>>  Methods: POST, GET (Get all)
>> /api/1.4/cacheassignmentgroups/:id
>>  Methods: PUT, GET, DELETE
>>  Structure:
>>    FieldTypeMethod Present
>>    namestringPOST, PUT, GET
>>    descriptionstringPOST, PUT, GET
>>    cdnIdintPOST, PUT, GET
>>    idintGET
>>    lastUpdated stringGET
>> /api/1.4/cacheassignmentgroupserver
>>  Methods: GET, POST
>>  Structure:
>>    FieldTypeDescription
>>    cagIdintID of assignment group to which servers will be assigned
>>    replaceboolTrue to overwrite existing assignments, false to only add
>> additional
>>    serversint array  Server ids to assigned into the Cache Assignment
>> Group
>> /api/1.4/deliveryservicecacheassignmentgroup
>>  Methods: GET, POST
>>  Structure:
>>    FieldType  Description
>>    dsIdint  ID of delivery service to which cache assignment groups will
>> be assigned
>>    replacebool  True to overwrite existing assignments, false to only add
>> additional
>>    cacheassignmentgroups int array CAG IDs to assign into the Delivery
>> Service
>> Proposed DB Schema Changes
>> -----------------
>> New Table: cacheassignmentgroup
>> FieldTypeNotes
>> idbigintPrimary Key, auto increment
>> nametextUnique
>> descriptiontext
>> cdn_idbigintForeign Key to cdn(id), trigger to pick one as default
>> last_updatedtimestampDefault now(), trigger to autoupdate
>> New Table: cacheassignmentgroup_server
>> FieldTypeNotes
>> cacheassignmentgroupbigintForeign Key to cacheassignmentgroup(id)
>> serverbigintForeign Key to server(id)
>> PrimaryKey/Unique constraint on {cag, server}
>> New Table: deliveryservice_cacheassignmentgroup
>> FieldTypeNotes
>> deliveryservice bigintForeign Key to deliveryservice(id)
>> cacheassignmentgroup bigintForeign Key to cacheassignmentgroup(id)
>> PrimaryKey/Unique constraint on {deliveryservice, cacheassignmentgroup}
>> Limitations
>> -----------
>>  If multiple delivery services share the same Origin FQDN and are
>> assigned to the same caches, ATS requires they share the same set of
>> parents. Traffic Ops does not currently enforce this restriction.
>> Validation for this will be added. (I don't think we can accomplish it with
>> a DB constraint, but if we could that would be awesome. For now, planning
>> to do it in API validation).
>> Notes
>> ------
>> I expect this will take at least 4 PRs (TO API/DB changes, Portal, TO ATS
>> config Gen, TO CRConfig Gen) with maybe some intermediate steps to do some
>> minor refactoring. We have a working implementation in Perl TO, but the
>> config generation is pretty messy. As part of this I'll be porting the API
>> to Go and trying to create a cleaner, more modular implementation of the
>> remap and parent config generation.
>> We also have a feature coming up after this which will modify the "cache
>> unit of assignment". In that next feature, we'll allow assignment of a
>> specific IP address to a Delivery Service (or Cache Assignment Group), so
>> please keep that in mind as you review the API and schema proposals.
>> Specifically, anywhere we assign a server now, will soon change to server
>> and/or optionally ip.
>> This message and any attachment are confidential and may be privileged or
>> otherwise protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient,
>> please notify the sender immediately and delete this message and any
>> attachment from your system. Do not copy them or disclose the contents to
>> any other person.

  • ... Eric Friedrich
    • ... Dave Neuman
      • ... Eric Friedrich -X (efriedri - TRITON UK BIDCO LIMITED c/o Alter Domus (UK) Limited -OBO at Cisco)
        • ... Rawlin Peters
          • ... Fieck, Brennan
          • ... Eric Friedrich -X (efriedri - TRITON UK BIDCO LIMITED c/o Alter Domus (UK) Limited -OBO at Cisco)

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