Feature description


Mail Thread: 

Github Issue: https://github.com/apache/trafficcontrol/issues/3557

API Proposal


POST,GET /api/1.4/cacheassignmentgroups/

PUT /api/1.4/cacheassignmentgroups/{id}

{"id": 1,
"name": "name1",
"description": "description1",
"cdnId": 1,
"servers": [1,2,...n],
"deliveryServices": [10, 20, 30],
"lastUpdated": "",

DELETE /api/1.4/cacheassignmentgroups/{id}

  -- No request body

This API is tenant-aware by delivery service.

Query Parameters (all optional)
If multiple filter parameters are specified, they are AND'd together
- id: Filter for a specific entry
- servers: Filter all entries containing this server
- deliveryService: Filter all entries containing this DS

- limit: Return maximum number of entries (default 20)
- page: Return page n, with each page having limit number of entries (default 0)

Body Parameters:
- id: Numeric identifier, automatically assigned on creation. [Read-Only, not 
allowed in PUT/POST]
- name: Name of the cache assignment group
- description Description of the cache assignment group
- cdnId: ID of the CDN the cache assignment group belongs to
- servers: List of server IDs.
- deliveryServices: List of delivery service IDs. All caches in the servers 
list will be assigned to these delivery services
- lastUpdated: Timestamp this cache assignment group was last updated. 
[Read-Only, not allowed in PUT/POST]

  • ... Eric Friedrich -X (efriedri - TRITON UK BIDCO LIMITED c/o Alter Domus (UK) Limited -OBO at Cisco)
    • ... Jeremy Mitchell
      • ... Jeremy Mitchell
        • ... Eric Friedrich -X (efriedri - TRITON UK BIDCO LIMITED c/o Alter Domus (UK) Limited -OBO at Cisco)
          • ... Jeremy Mitchell
            • ... Fieck, Brennan
              • ... Eric Friedrich -X (efriedri - TRITON UK BIDCO LIMITED c/o Alter Domus (UK) Limited -OBO at Cisco)
                • ... Fieck, Brennan
                • ... Jeremy Mitchell
                • ... Jeremy Mitchell
                • ... Eric Friedrich -X (efriedri - TRITON UK BIDCO LIMITED c/o Alter Domus (UK) Limited -OBO at Cisco)

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