>GET /internal/api/$version/cdns/dnsseckeys/refresh
>     Exactly the same as /api/1.4/cdns/dnsseckeys/refresh - needs backport
> to v1.1?

It didn't exist in 1.1, new things require new minor versions. All of these
will have to go in a new minor version, currently 1.4+. We can only
"backport" code, not changes to API versions.

Which is to say, `/internal/api/$version/cdns/dnsseckeys/refresh` is done,
and can be removed in the next major release.

On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 2:25 PM ocket 8888 <ocket8...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Here's all the non-API endpoints that I could find that don't already have
> equivalents under `/api/{{version}}/`:
> GET /health
>     Returns a mapping of all profile names to an array of all of the
> parameters that have the ConfigFile 'rascal.properties'
> GET /healthfull
>     Returns a mapping of server FQDNs to an array of all of the parameters
> that have the ConfigFile 'rascal.properties' on said server's profile - but
> ONLY if the server's profile's name starts with either "EDGE" or "MID".
> GET /health/{{CDN name}}
>     Gets all of the servers within the specified CDN, returns an object
> that contains all of the unique parameters with the ConfigFile
> "rascal-config.txt" coalesced with all of the parameters used by the
> arbitrary last encountered server with a profile name starting with RASCAL,
> all of the Profiles that both use such a parameter and start with either
> "MID" or "EDGE", and finally all of the Profiles that have names starting
> with "CCR" as well as all of the Delivery Services that use the last one of
> those profiles encountered as well as specifically their global max MBPS
> and TPS.
> GET /internal/api/$version/cdns/dnsseckeys/refresh
>     Exactly the same as /api/1.4/cdns/dnsseckeys/refresh - needs backport
> to v1.1?
> GET /internal/daily_summary
>     For each CDN with at least one server that has a type that has a name
> beginning with "EDGE", gets the latest and maximum data transfer rate in
> Gb/s for the past day, as well as the total amount of data served in PB for
> the past day. All of this comes from Influx, and I'm just inferring that
> the data is "daily" from the name of the table and endpoint. I don't see
> any query restrictions that actually enforce that.
> GET /internal/api/$version/federations
>     Gets a list of all federation mappings (optionally restricted to only
> those within the CDN named by the "cdnName" query parameter when it is
> present) and the associated XMLIDs, types, and IP addresses for each.
> GET /update/{{hostname}}
>     Retrieves a list of objects that contain the hostname, upd_pending
> status, reval_pending status, id, status, parent_pending status, and
> parent_reval_pending for all servers that have a hostname that matches
> `hostname` (or all servers if the `hostname` path parameter is the special
> value `all`).
> POST /update/{hostname}}
>     Accepts a payload setting the values of upd_pending, reval_pending and
> status for a given server with the hostname `hostname`.
> which, if any, of these does anybody feel strongly about pulling into the
> proper API?

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