Thanks for the background!!!

I more lean towards removing code that is unmaintained / unused. That and git 
would allow us to get it back if we ever did want to.

The trafficcontrol repo is a MONSTER of a repo and it makes it very 
confusing/daunting to anyone new coming in (I know first-hand).

That being said if others agree not to remove those I would be fine leaving 
them in there but suggest we move them to the other experimental directory in 
the repository

On 11/12/19, 12:20 PM, "Robert O Butts" <> wrote:

    infrastructure/test/api has been superseded by the TO API Tests.
    infrastructure/test/apitest has been superseded by the TO API Tests.
    infrastructure/test/ui/traffic_ops/traffic_ops_test.go has been superseded
    by the Portal Tests.
    traffic_ops/client_tests has been superseded by the TO API Tests, which
    test the client (also, it's empty).
    traffic_ops/experimental/ats_config has been superseded by the atstccfg
    Config Generator.
    traffic_ops/experimental/server has been superseded by traffic_ops_golang

    I wrote all of the above, and I'm +1 on removing them as superseded.
    (Though the fact that I wrote them shouldn't prevent someone else from
    claiming something as useful, if anyone thinks so.)

    traffic_ops/experimental/goto has been superseded by traffic_ops_golang, +1
    to remove.

    traffic_ops/experimental/auth is an experimental auth microservice for
    TO/TC. It hasn't been superseded by anything. We probably aren't going this
    direction any time soon, but I'm still hesitant to remove it as an
    experimental PoC.

    traffic_ops/experimental/postgrest hasn't been directly superseded by
    anything. We chose to go the traffic_ops_golang route, but PostgREST is
    still a valid alternative, and maybe worth keeping the PoC around.

    traffic_ops/experimental/traffic_ops_auth hasn't been superseded by
    anything in production; but it serves essentially the same purpose as
    traffic_ops/experimental/auth and it's much smaller. I'd be -0 on removing

    traffic_ops/experimental/url-rewriter-nginx hasn't been superseded by
    anything, and serves to complement traffic_ops/experimental/postgrest as a
    PoC for a particular way of doing TO. I'd kind of like to keep it around,
    for the same reason.

    traffic_ops/experimental/webfront is along the same "microservices" lines
    as traffic_ops_auth, url-rewriter-nginx, and postgrest. I'm +1 on keeping
    them around, as a PoC of a different way to do things.

    On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 11:57 AM ocket 8888 <> wrote:

    > A PR was recently opened (
    > to remove a bunch of cruft from the codebase, and it looks fine to me but
    > before merging I wanted to make sure nobody was using this stuff. It 
    > deals with some things under infrastructure/test, 
    > and some client testing cruft. Here's an abbreviated list (GH will show 
    > every file in a directory individually, I believe I've collapsed it as 
    > as I can) of everything being removed:
    > - infrastructure/test/api/
    > - infrastructure/test/
    > - infrastructure/test/apitest/
    > - infrastructure/test/ui/
    > - infrastructure/test/environment.json
    > - infrastructure/test/environment/
    > - traffic_ops/experimental/
    > - traffic_ops/client_tests/
    > - traffic_ops/testing/api/log/
    > - traffic_ops/testing/test/
    > note that a lot of those are directories.

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