networkNode.getLoc() returns the name of the cache group in the CZF
that the IP falls under.

On Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 9:25 AM, Eric Friedrich (efriedri)
<> wrote:
> On Jan 3, 2017, at 5:20 PM, Jeff Elsloo 
> <<>> wrote:
> Hey Eric,
> It sounds like the use case you're after is an RFC 1918 client
> associated with a cache group whose caches are all unavailable for one
> reason or another. Is that correct?
> Yes, exactly.
> I looked at the code a bit, and I think that we can make a minor
> change to achieve the behavior you're looking for as long as you're
> able to put your RFC 1918 ranges in the CZF.
> Yes, we would want those ranges in the CZF. I can’t think of any other place 
> they would go.
> There's a small logic gap in the existing algorithm around cache
> location selection and I think if we fix that (two line change), we
> should be better off all around. I think the only time we'd ever want
> to go to the geolocation provider is in the event of a miss on the
> CZF, so as long as we have a hit there, we should find the cache group
> closest to that hit location that has available caches. This would
> automatically provide the "backup" cache group concept, and has the
> added benefit of doing this selection dynamically based on the state
> of the CDN.
> Wow, thanks for picking up on this solution. Sounds like a strong 
> possibility. I like that it can extend dynamically.
> See this to get an idea of what I mean:
> Does this line set cacheLocation to the closest cache group with active 
> caches on that DS?
> What does networkNode.getLoc() actually return?
> —Eric
> Obviously we'd need to test this to ensure we don't break other functionality.
> --
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 10:07 AM, Eric Friedrich (efriedri)
> <<>> wrote:
> If all caches in the primary cache group are unavailable, our goal is to 
> provide a backup routing policy for RFC1918 clients.
> When client IP is an public Internet IP, the current backup policy is to 
> assign the client to the geographically closest cache (Distance = MaxMind Geo 
> Lat/Long - configured CG lat/long).
> When client IP is an RFC1918 IP, the client would not have a maxmind geo-loc, 
> so would fall back to the DS geo-miss lat long. We’d prefer some more 
> granular control over where these clients are routed to, rather than a per-DS 
> setting.
> So with an RFC1918 client, the lookup process would be (step 3 is only 
> addition)
> 1) Check CZF for a subnet match (and find a match for existing cache group). 
> Assign client to CG
> 2) Check CG for available (online and associated w/ DS) servers. In this 
> particular case, assume CG has no servers available to route the client to
> 3) Walk the CZF's list of backup CGs and perform the check from #2 for each 
> CG. Use first server that is found
> 4) Assuming no server is found in #3, perform geo-location and find closest 
> cache group. Use a server from the closest CG if one is found
> 4a) If geo-location returns null, use the DS’ default geo-miss location as 
> the client location.
> —Eric
> On Dec 26, 2016, at 10:01 AM, Jan van Doorn 
> <<>> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> How does the backup list relate to the RFC1918-is-not-in-geo problem?
> To get to a cachegroup you need to get a match in the coverage zone, I would 
> think?
> Rgds,
> JvD
> On Dec 22, 2016, at 12:28, Eric Friedrich (efriedri) 
> <<>> wrote:
> The current behavior of cache group selection works as follows
> 1) Look for a subnet match in CZF
> 2) Use MaxMind/Neustar for GeoLocation based on client IP. Choose closest 
> cache group.
> 3) Use Delivery Service Geo-Miss Lat/Long. Choose closest cache group.
> For deployments where IP addressing is primarily private (say RFC-1918 
> addresses), client IP Geo Location (#2) is not useful.
> We are considering adding another field to the Coverage Zone File that 
> configures an ordered list of backup cache groups to try if the primary cache 
> group does not have any available caches.
> Example:
> "coverageZones": {
> "cache-group-01": {
>  “backupList”: [“cache-group-02”, “cache-group-03”],
>  "network6": [
>    "1234:5678::\/64”,
>    "1234:5679::\/64"],
>  "network": [
>    "\/24",
>    "\/24”]
> }
> This configuration could also be part of the per-cache group configuration, 
> but that would give less control over which clients preferred which cache 
> groups. For example, you may have cache groups in LA, Chicago and NY. If the 
> Chicago Cache group fails, you may want some of the Chicago clients to go to 
> LA and some to go to NY. If the backup CG configuration is per-cg, we would 
> not be able to control where clients are allocated.
> Looking for opinions and comments on the above proposal, this is still in 
> idea stage.
> Thanks All!
> Eric

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