Thanks Derek-

- ORT will not update regex_revalidate unless the parents have been cleared.
EF> Is this based on the parent’s upd_pending or the parent’s reval_pending?

- ORT will ignore the upd_pending state of the parents during syncds.
EF> Isn’t it important that parent’s upd_pending be cleared before doing a 
syncds on the child?

> On Apr 11, 2017, at 9:57 AM, Gelinas, Derek <> wrote:
> EF> What does this mean? Can edge servers now use other reverse proxies as 
> parents? How do we configure this on TO?
> DG> Edge and mid servers can use other reverse proxies as their connection to 
> Traffic Ops.  This is configured in the GLOBAL parameter profile using the 
> parameter tm.rev_proxy_url.  When this is set, the metadata for the server 
> will show a toRevProxyUrl entry under the info section of the JSON.  Info 
> will include profileId, toRevProxyUrl, toUrl, serverIpv4, ServerTcpPort, 
> serverName, cdnId, cdnName, serverId, and profileName.  If ORT detects the 
> toRevProxyUrl, it will attempt to use that as the source for all 
> configuration file requests in that run.  Should the specified proxy be down 
> or unreachable, it will revert back to the URL used in the command line when 
> ORT was started.  While there’s no reason a delivery service for this purpose 
> couldn’t be created, we’ve chosen to run an ATS instance, configured 
> manually, on each Traffic Ops instance using a short (~3 minute) TTL.  This 
> allows us to keep the caching for Traffic Ops separate from the CDN we are 
> administering.
> EF> Are parent server update flags are still required for syncds? We only 
> ignore them for the “new revalidate”/“instant invalidation” (I assume these 
> are same thing) options?
> DG> The upd_pending flags still exist and are still used by syncds.  We’ve 
> added a new column, reval_pending, which is used for invalidation.  When 
> use_reval_pending is set in the GLOBAL profile with a value of 1, the 
> following happens:
>       - Invalidation jobs set by either the UI or the API will flag the 
> reval_pending column instead of upd_pending
>       - The update page checked by ORT will show a reval_pending entry with a 
> true/false value. (Value is null when use_reval_pending is disabled)
>       - ORT will perform revalidation checks at the start of each syncds 
> dispersion and every 60 seconds while the dispersion is running.
>       - ORT will not update regex_revalidate unless the parents have been 
> cleared.
>       - ORT will not perform updates of the regex_revalidate file during 
> syncds.
>       - ORT will ignore the upd_pending state of the parents during syncds.
> If use_reval_pending is disabled, syncds will function as it does today.  If 
> an older version of Traffic Ops is in use and the API returns a 404, ORT will 
> use the currently released method for config files. 
> EF> Where can we see the new API? Is scope an input/output/both parameter to 
> the API now?
> DG> The API has been merged into master, under 
> app/lib/API/Configs/  Scope is set in the get_scope() 
> sub.  The filename is passed to this sub and the correct scope is returned.  
> This is primarily used to validate requests - should the incorrect scope be 
> used, the api will return an error with the correct scope needed for that 
> file.  Each config file’s entry in the metadata will include the following:
>       -fNameOnDisk - the configuration file name
>       -location - the file’s location on the cache itself
>       -apiUri - the URI to use to download the file from Traffic Ops.  
> Example: “/api/1.2/cdn/title-vi/configfiles/ats/set_dscp_28.config"
>       -scope - the scope of the file
> Proper names or the IDs of the server, profile, or cdn can be used 
> interchangeably.  The API will output names rather than IDs for readability.
> EF> Will existing API remain as “deprecated” for a few more releases? Upgrade 
> path is very important. I assume we would upgrade TO to 2.1 and then upgrade 
> caches. Will 1.7,1.8,2.0 caches be able to request config files as they do 
> today from a TO2.1? 
> DG> Both methods of requesting configuration files remain supported at this 
> time, and the code changes have been designed so either the caches or Traffic 
> Ops can be upgraded first.  Use of all new features will require upgrading 
> both, of course.
> Hope that answers your questions.  Feel free to send any more you might have 
> my way.
> Derek 

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