I'm working toward a more streamlined installation process for Traffic Ops
(internally) and publicly. Of course, the same hiccups that everyone else
runs into I am as well.  Installation of Golang (proper version) and
installation of Goose.  Goose has been the most challenging for several
reasons.  The maintainer hasn't made any real changes since 2015, and has
not "branched" his code to allow for explicit version download.  Per his
installation instructions "go get bitbucket.org/liamstask/goose/cmd/goose"

So I'm I'm proposing to write an installer script in bash to help automate
the Golang install as well as the Goose install.  My only concern (as well
as most of yours) is "go get" will grab the latest, but since no real
changes have happened I'm left with no other option.



- Install Golang (version 1.8.x)
- go get bitbucket.org/liamstask/goose/cmd/goose



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