Hi Oren,

Looking at the code in traffic_ops, it looks like at one point in time
you could append a `:<port>` in the HTTP bypass FQDN field, and
`UI::Topology::gen_crconfig_json()` would split it and do the right
thing. My guess is that the field validation was added later (i.e.
must be a valid hostname), but no one realized this broke the
`:<port>` feature because it was never tested/infrequently used in
that field.

The API doesn't actually require that same validation, so I believe
you should be able to fix the validation in the old UI so that the
field can be `<valid hostname>[:<optional port number>]`. Then you
should be able to append `:443` to your HTTP bypass FQDN to get it
working over HTTPS. Or better yet, just use the new Traffic Portal
which already allows this. :)


On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 9:29 AM, Oren Shemesh <or...@qwilt.com> wrote:
> Hmmm.
> Further digging into TR code shows that this behaviour happens because CR
> config contains this piece of JSON info for the DS:
>       "bypassDestination": {"HTTP": {
>         "port": "80",
>         "fqdn": "bypass.videos.xxx.com"
>       }},
> The "port" field forces the TR to append :80 to the hostname.
> If the "port" element would not be there, TR would have done the right
> thing.
> (DeliveryService.java::getFailureHttpResponse())
> So digging into the TO code (UI/Topology.pm::gen_crconfig_json()) , I see
> that when the "Bypass FQDN" has ':' in it, it is split and the latter part
> is used as the port number being put into the CR config. Otherwise, 80 is
> used.
> However, there are two problems with the combined effect of the TR and TO
> code:
> 1. It does not make sense to redirect HTTP requests to http://bypass.com
> and HTTPS requests to https:bypass.com:80 . The server cannot listen for
> both HTTP and HTTPS requests on the same port. So the fact that there is a
> single port in the CR config, and this port is being forced into the
> generated URL for the bypass, seem like a bug to me (Given that a DS can be
> both HTTP and HTTPS).
> 2. The TO UI does not let you enter a string with ':' in it into the
> "Bypass FQDN" field, anyway.
> Currently, my temporary solution is to change the TO code to remove the
> 'port' field from CR config, which results in "natural" redirect.
> This means commenting-out a single line of code :-)
> I believe a proper solution would be to do this only for DSs which are of
> protocol 'http and https'. Such DSs would assume that the bypass server
> also support both protocols, on the standard ports.
> A more wide solution would be to allow specifying separate ports for HTTP
> and for HTTPS in the cr config. But, is there a real-world need for this ?
> Comments are welcome :-)
> (And yes, I will create an issue in github soon).
> Oren.
> On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 2:01 PM, Oren Shemesh <or...@qwilt.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We have recently encountered some unexplained behaviour of TR, when there
>> are no caches available so it redirects to the configured 'Bypass FQDN'.
>> Below you can see a request to an HTTPS-only delivery service.
>> The 'Bypass FQDN' configured for this DS is : bypass.videos.xxx.com
>> TR redirects the https request to https://bypass.videos.xxx.com:80/...
>> (I replaced some strings with 'xxx' and 'yyy' for my privacy :-0)
>> To me it looks like a bug, who does TR specify port 80 for an HTTPS
>> transaction, without any explicit configuration to do so ?
>> Note that when there are caches available, the redirect to the cache
>> happens without the :80, as it should be.
>> Also note, in case it is relevant, that the origin URL for this DS is:
>> https://<something>
>> Any comments on this would be welcome.
>> When no cache is available:
>> orens@cq-rd09:~$ curl -sk -D - -o /dev/null https://tr.xxx.stage-cdn.yyy/
>> AAA
>> HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
>> Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
>> Location: https://bypass.videos.xxx.com:80/AAA
>> Content-Length: 0
>> Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2017 10:31:29 GMT
>> When a cache is available:
>> orens@cq-rd09:~$ curl -sk -D - -o /dev/null https://tr.xxx.stage-cdn.yyy/
>> AAA
>> HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
>> Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
>> Location: https://p39-edge-lab.xxx.stage-cdn.yyy/AAA
>> Content-Length: 0
>> Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2017 10:56:11 GMT
>> Thanks, Oren.
>> --
>> *Oren Shemesh*
>> Qwilt | Work: +972-72-2221637 <+972%2072-222-1637>| Mobile:
>> +972-50-2281168 <+972%2050-228-1168> | or...@qwilt.com <y...@qwilt.com>
> --
> *Oren Shemesh*
> Qwilt | Work: +972-72-2221637| Mobile: +972-50-2281168 | or...@qwilt.com
> <y...@qwilt.com>

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