Thanks. I can get the domain manger running with your changes (should be 1.6-SNAPSHOT instead of 1.5-SNAPSHOT).

I also have to fix the following issue to get the node cleanly stopped:


From: "Simon Laws" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2009 3:32 PM
To: "tuscany-dev" <>
Subject: [1.x] distributed travel sample pain

I've been changing the travel sample that some of us are working on to
work with the domain manager. It has been a painful experience. The
problems I came across.

Activators are read twice TUSCANY-3070
 Checked work around to symptom into 1.x
Dependencies are not managed correctly TUSCANY-3071
 Set up imports to make it work
Lack of error reporting in domain manager TUSCANY-3072
  Used debugger
Callbacks over are not constructed correctly with domain
manager TUSCANY-3073
  Changed to in sample
Non QName generated for binding name TUSCANY-3074
  Just a validation warning when configured composite it read
Composite processor shouldn't write out callback generated
services/references TUSCANY-3075
  Checked fix in 1.x
Deadlock in with more than 2 concurrent callbacks TUSCANY-3076
  Changed the TravelCatalog to only do two at a time
Still problems with composite resolution in domain manager TUSCANY-3062
  Checked in work around but needs further consideration

I've checked in changes to the travel sample (r781189) that should
make it work in the domain manager if you also take the fixes for
3070/3075/3062 (I was actually running on top of 1.5 with these
changes, hence you will see some 1.5-SNAPSHOT dependencies in the
fullapp-launcher pom,  but hopefully 1.x is not that different)

I''ve added the distributed configuration to fullapp-launcher. Use

LaunchFullAppDomain to start the domain manager
LaunchFullAppDomainNodes to start all the nodes inside one JVM. I
haven't got to having the nodes start in separate JVMs yet.

The original LaunchFullAppNode that loads all the contributions into
one node is still there and still works for me. It ignores all the
distributed configuration.



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