Hi Scott

> Are you saying that you tried modifying the parameter types .class
> files (using ASM or something like that), and this still had "no
> effect"?

If you mean the .class files as they exist on disc then, no, I didn't
try doing that.

Or are you saying that modifying the DataType info built
> from introspecting the Java had no impact?

I was trying to modify the in memory version of the classes that JAXB
uses to generate the WSDL. Even if this did work there is a potential
problem that the classes in the JAXB context don't match the classes
that the service interface is expecting which is probably a bad thing.
Anyhow I was just trying to get my mind round this by trying a few
things. None of those things have worked yet though :-(.

I also had a go at modifying the classes as the wrapper code reads
them in order to generate wrappers. That doesn't appear to have any
effect either. I've maybe got my asm code wrong or in the wrong place.
The databinding and WSDL gen code is sufficiently opaque that it's
difficult to tell.

Anyhow the next thing to try is the post processing schema merge I
guess. But that looks pretty nasty.


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