Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:
Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:
I've committed a new sample [1] to help people understand how to extend Tuscany 2.x with a new component implementation type.

The sample extends Tuscany with a fictitious component implementation and shows how to:
- read/write SCDL and resolve WSDL and Java in an ArtifactProcessor;
- manage the lifecycle of a component in an ImplementationProvider;
- support both WSDL and Java interfaces;
- flow component invocations through Invokers and Proxies;
- represent data using Java and DOM data bindings;
- run components in a Junit test case.

I'm still working on it and will try to document these aspects in the sample README. I'm also going to add a test case or two showing how to code the construction of a SCDL in-memory model and run off of it.

I've improved the sample a bit and added code that shows how to:

1) create contribution and SCDL composite models programmatically;

2) register a ProviderFactory instance (as it may be more convenient than having it loaded and instantiated by the runtime, if for example you want to pass something to it);

3) bootstrap and run a Tuscany Node out of that.

For (3) I had to add a new NodeFactory.createNode() method taking a list of pre-built contribution models, matching the existing NodeImpl( NodeFactoryImpl manager, NodeConfiguration configuration, List< Contribution> contributions) constructor.

Next step, I'm going to add Web service bindings to the sample, to show how that works, and how multiple databindings can be used in an app (DOM in the component impl, and AXIOM with Axis2).

Quick question: if I need multiple databindings on an interface, do I need to clone that interface model in my SCDL processor (one per databinding), or can multiple databindings co-exist on the same instance?

Hope this helps.

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