That's is great news! I was wondering if it is possible to have somebody
recording the sessions (ApacheCon included) and if we can upload them on
YouTube (if it isn't against regulations). At the moment, there is no
reference about Tuscany on YouTube and I think that having some
presentations and even better, some tutorials online would be very helpful
in making tuscany much more known. YouTube also has priority in Google
search and there are no videos for the word 'tuscany' yet so those will go
right on the first page of results.

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 1:15 AM, Luciano Resende <>wrote:

> Some of us will be at  JavaOne this year, and we will be presenting
> two Tuscany related sessions :
> Session ID: S314011
> Session Title: Developing composite applications for the Cloud using
> Apache Tuscany
> Wednesday, September 22, 11:30AM
> Today's cloud environments pose new challenges for application
> developers: hiding cloud infrastructure from business logic,
> assembling components on heterogeneous and distributed cloud
> environments, and optimizing the provisioning of the required cloud
> resources. This session will demonstrate how to use Apache Tuscany and
> the Service Component Architecture (SCA) to develop, build, and run an
> application composed of several service components in a distributed
> cloud environment. We'll illustrate how to encapsulate cloud
> infrastructure services as SCA components to simplify the construction
> and assembly of the application and how to move components around and
> rewire the application to adjust to new business and cloud deployment
> conditions.
> Session ID: S313731
> Session Title: Databinding Unleashed for Composite Applications
> Tuesday, September 21, 8:00AM
> Data bindings such as JAXB, SDO, DOM, and JSON denote how business
> data is represented. Collaborating components in a composite
> application often need to use different data bindings as required by
> the business logic or protocol stacks. Apache Tuscany provides a
> framework that allows mixing and matching of data bindings so that
> application developers can have the freedom to choose their preferred
> data binding technology without worrying about complex data
> transformations. This session is for developers looking for
> flexibility of data bindings in the enterprise. Attendees will learn
> about: * Decoupling data bindings between service consumers and
> providers * Tuscany?s approach to transform data without the
> intervention from application code
> If you are going to be around, stop by and introduce yourself...
> --
> Luciano Resende

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