On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Simon Nash <n...@apache.org> wrote:
> kelvin goodson wrote:
>> I share your pain! I have lost a lot of time trying to influence my
>> eclipse workspace to pay heed to the source in my workspace rather
>> than requiring source jars.  I too see a variety of eclipse dialogs to
>> locate source,  and recently it seems to prefer only letting me point
>> to source jars, so it is impossible to get the debugger to show my
>> local mods.
>> Kelvin.
> I found a way to do this that works for me.  It was based on Simon's
> suggestion to run mvn eclipse:eclipse from the top level so that the
> Tuscany modules are included in the reactor when generating the eclipse
> project files for the samples.
> I had to adapt this slightly because I am generating Eclipse projects
> from the contents of the binary distribution, which doesn't include
> source for the Tuscany modules.  I copied a "hacked" pom.xml into the
> root directory of the binary distribution which I had built within the
> distribution folder of my svn working copy.  The relevant section of
> the "hacked" pom.xml is:
>    <modules>
>        <module>../../../../modules</module>
>        <module>samples</module>
>        <module>tutorials</module>
>        <module>demos</module>
>    </modules>
> The relative path ../../../../modules picks up the modules directory
> from my working copy and combines that with the samples, tutorials and
> demos directories in the binary distribution.  Running mvn eclipse:eclipse
> against this pom generates all the Eclipse projects I need, with the correct
> cross-dependencies and with "live" source code in the right place (not taken
> from jar or zip files).  I can import these projects into Eclipse and
> everything works as it should.  If I then update some Tuscany source code
> in my svn working copy to fix a bug that I found when running a sample,
> Eclipse will automatically pick up the updated Tuscany source code.
>  Simon



Apache Tuscany committer: tuscany.apache.org
Co-author of a book about Tuscany and SCA: tuscanyinaction.com

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