On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 8:52 AM, Florian MOGA <moga....@gmail.com> wrote:

> @Ant: What kind of sample are you thinking of in order to show the
> sca-contribution.xml file? Can you give me an example (maybe an itest)?

There are a couple of issues we need to decide on, one is how to run
the getting started contributions and the other is how to invoke the
services. I've been wondering about using the shell as the approach to
run things but its not that clear yet if everyone likes the shell and
there is some work to do to get it to work beautifully. I've also been
wondering if we really need separate contributions for absolutley
everything and maybe it might be simpler is some contributions include
several composites. But here's a rough outline of the sort of thing
i've been thinking might work:

1) helloworld
Start the shell and do:

install helloworld-contribution.jar -start

The helloworld contribution would have an sca-contribution.xml
defining the helloworld.composite as deployable and the component impl
would have @Init and @EagerInit so you'd see "Hello world" printed on
the console.

2) helloworld with a ws binding. Either a speperate contribution or
include a helloworldws.composite  in the helloworld contribution. The
composite has the helloworld component with the service using
binding.ws. In the shell do "installed" to see the installed
contributions and the composites in there and then:

start helloworld-contribution helloworldws.composite

That will start the ws endpoint and you'll see the url printed on the
console. You can then do a ?wsdl on that url in a browser to see the
wsdl but it would be nice to actually invoke the service. To do that
we could have some Java ws client to run but that needs  build scripts
etc which makes it complicated, i found a html page client in
servicemix that we could try which i've committed in

3) Next we could do a new contribution that uses <include> or
<implementation.composite> (perhaps named scdl-include-contribution)
taht uses the helloworld.composite from (1). That wont work as the
helloworld-contribution doesn't export its resources so this step
could show using overiding that with an external sca-contribution.xml.
So in the shell uninstall helloworld-contribution and then do:

install  helloworld-contribution.jar -metaData -metadata
install  scdl-include-contribution -start

And that should show the included component output again.

4..x) continue on like that showing all the things we want to do,
changing helloworld to using <implementation.spring> instead of
<implementation.java>, scopes, callbacks, scdl <wire>, adding external
.composte files to a contribution etc using new contributions and
external side files as necessary.

It would be nice is you could configure a bunch of contribution and
composites in the shell and then have a save command that writes out
teh contributions and a node config xml file that you can then use in
a standalone Java program or webapp to run what you'd configured.

Anyway, how does that sound? If it doesn't use the shell then you need
lots of launchers and standalone Java programs to run all the thinngs
along with Maven and Ant build scripts to run them all and it might
start looking a bit complicated.


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