ant elder wrote:
On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 12:55 PM, Fabio Albani <> wrote:
Hi to all,
I'm developing a new implementation type for Tuscany 1.x, based on ASM, I've
been successfully in calling services and introspecting references and
properties, but I don't know how to get the current wiring from the running
composite, so that I can match them and call the corresponding services.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance and excuse me for my bad english...
Fabio Albani

Sorry you've not got any replies, did you work this out yet? Say if
not and we will help getting it working. From what you have siad it
wasn't totaly clear what you meant, is it about how can your
implementation make a request over one of the references wired to it?


Each ComponentReference contains a list of endpoints (returned by the
getEndpoints() method) and these endpoints provide information about
the binding, target component/service, etc.  The code that sets this up
is in the package.  You
could start by looking at the code in BaseWireBuilderImpl.


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