On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 12:25 AM, Raymond Feng <enjoyj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry, you seems to be dancing around the "optional" vs "mandatory" terms
> here. I lost a few hours to figure it out that was the root cause of a
> problem I ran into.

I'm not dancing around it i'm trying to be quiet clear - implementing
the mandatory spec features is the most important thing and support
for optional features comes second. It took much much much more than a
few hours to get all the compliance tests passing so i don''t like the
thought of letting them get broken again.

> By my knowledge, we already had support for the allowsPassByReference
> optimization for the service side (the reference side came into the spec at
> later time) before the code was disabled. The feature (even it is optional
> for the spec compliance) is important to the use cases I have because we
> don't want to copy several MBs data. IMHO, Tuscany is not purely just a
> reference implementation of the SCA specs.

Yes its not just a reference impl but if doesn't pass the compliance
tests it would lose a lot of value. Supporting other or optional use
cases is fine too but it needs to fit in with that.

> Anyway, I'm enabling the optimization for both reference and service sides.

As i said in the other email - terrific.


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