Could you let me know in what consists your process of reviewing a release
candidate? Until now, I've performed a full build, ran the samples, checked
for license headers. Haven't found any guidelines on the website or wiki.
Are there any other checks you're doing on the source distribution? What
about the binary distribution?

On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Florian MOGA <> wrote:

> Ok, then Iet's open a ticket so we can keep track of it. At the moment I'm
> receiving 502 Bad Gateway for
> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 10:51 AM, ant elder <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 6:42 PM, Florian MOGA <> wrote:
>> > I've done a full build with an empty maven repo and I'm still able to
>> > reproduce most of the time the hanging thread problem. I've also managed
>> to
>> > reproduce it in Eclipse in debug mode but couldn't find the root cause
>> as
>> > all I can see is that the process is hanging on the DestoryJavaVM
>> thread.
>> > I've looked into the VM with VisualVM and I can see that along with the
>> > DestroyJavaVM thread there are some RMI related threads still running
>> > (possibly the RMI registry?). Here are some screenshots after I've left
>> the
>> > app to run about 20 mins, maybe you can spot something.
>> > eclipse in debug mode
>> > monitor
>> > threads
>> >
>> > Same behavior with both Sun JDK and OpenJDK
>> I haven't done any debugging but i do also see that hang
>> intermittently, maybe more often over the last week but that may be
>> just as i've been running a lot of builds. ... Tempted to just comment
>> out the test until someone has some time to look at it.
>>   ...ant

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