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Caveats: NONE

> 1. < requires="intent"> did not work for me. In the
> the composite builder did recognize the new policy and the fact that
> the
> reference/service has required intent, but matching check failed.
> However, < policySets="policyset"> worked.

Never mind about the first issue. I had both
createInterceptor(Operation) and createBindingInterceptor() defined so
on the service side, both are activated for service.policy and
service.binding.policy phases.

However, the same policy extension is used on the reference side and the
policy interceptor is called only once. I remember I had problems with
activating the policy interceptor on the reference side (before I played
with service side) if I only define createInterceptor(Operation). So I
defined both to get reference side working. Now with both defined, it is
called twice on service side. A bug on the reference side? I don't seem
to be able to activate the policy interceptor for reference.policy


Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

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